This is only a proof of concept simulation.[br]Not a completed project, but always a work in progress.[br][b][u]This file is an updated version of the original at [url=][/url].[br][/u][/b]This file generates bubbles using timings based on the poisson process and movement of generated bubbles upwards is independent of the rate of generation of bubble[br][br]For primary school purposes, the key message is that with higher light intensity, there is greater rate of photosynthesis.[br][br]In this simulation, one cannot take the quantitative observations in absolute terms.[br][br]The light intensity percentage has to be calibrated against some particular intensity [br]The rate of photosynthesis is indirectly measured by counting the number of bubbles of air (oxygen) produced by the water weed. [br]The rate itself is relative rather than absolute.[br][br]Reference for project : [url=][br][/url] [url=]Photosynthesis Simulation by University of Reading & Syngenta[/url]