Mulitple choice is appropriate when the sytax of the answer becomes to complex, e.g. when indicating the sign of a random generated function. Here's an illustration on a first degree function. Of course you can add additional options. By now you already know how to make the multiple choice, so we'll add just the syntax of the signs.
[b]Tables[/b] can created out of the Spreadsheet. You can also use the command TableText( ).[br]See the manual [url=]TableText Command[/url].[br]In this command:[br][list][*]Rows are inserted and separated between brackets.[br][/*][*]Elements on each row are seperated by a comma.[/*][*]c means that elements are centered.[/*][*]| indicates with 1 the vertical lines to be shown and with 0 the ones to be hidden.[/*][*]_ indicates with 1 the horizontal lines to be shown and with 0 the ones to be hidden.[/*][/list]So for the signs we get:[br][list][*]for the first sign: [code]TableText({{"x", "", "", ""}, {"f(x)", "-", 0, "+"}}, "c|01000_010")[/code][br][/*][*]for the second: [code]TableText({{"x", "", "", ""}, {"f(x)", "+", 0, "-"}}, "c|01000_010")[/code][br][/*][/list]