multiple choice: select the sign

Mulitple choice is appropriate when the sytax of the answer becomes to complex, e.g. when indicating the sign of a random generated function. Here's an illustration on a first degree function. Of course you can add additional options. By now you already know how to make the multiple choice, so we'll add just the syntax of the signs.
How to do this
[b]Tables[/b] can created out of the Spreadsheet. You can also use the command TableText( ).[br]See the manual [url=]TableText Command[/url].[br]In this command:[br][list][*]Rows are inserted and separated between brackets.[br][/*][*]Elements on each row are seperated by a comma.[/*][*]c means that elements are centered.[/*][*]| indicates with 1 the vertical lines to be shown and with 0 the ones to be hidden.[/*][*]_ indicates with 1 the horizontal lines to be shown and with 0 the ones to be hidden.[/*][/list]So for the signs we get:[br][list][*]for the first sign: [code]TableText({{"x", "", "", ""}, {"f(x)", "-", 0, "+"}}, "c|01000_010")[/code][br][/*][*]for the second: [code]TableText({{"x", "", "", ""}, {"f(x)", "+", 0, "-"}}, "c|01000_010")[/code][br][/*][/list]

Information: multiple choice: select the sign