Part 3

[b][size=150]Note that the center of the circle is at the origin (0,0), and the radius is 1.[br]Adjust slider 'h' so that h=2.[/size][/b]
Question 1
A. What is the formula for the circle (given in the Conic section to the left of the graph?)[br]B. What is the center of the circle?
[b][size=150]Adjust slider 'h' so that h=2.[/size][/b]
Question 2
What is different about the formula and the center of the this circle from that of the circle in the question 1? (Hint: what happened to the signs?)
[size=150][b]Return slider 'h' to h=0 so the circle is back at the origin.[br]Adjust slider 'k' so that k=3.[/b][/size]
Question 3
A. What is the formula for the circle?[br]B. What is the center of the circle?
[b][size=150]Adjust slider 'k' so that k=-1.[/size][/b]
Question 4
What happened when you made slider 'k' negative? What effect did this change have on the formula and center of the circle?
[b][size=150]Manipulate the sliders until you notice a pattern between the values for 'h' and 'k' and the formula for circle c.[/size][/b]
Question 5
A. Using variables, what are the general coordinates of the center of the circle?[br]B. Based on the pattern you discovered, what is the general formula for a circle?
[b][size=150]On the graph below, plot the following circles (either by manipulating the sliders, dragging the circle, or by creating an entirely new circle using the tool bar). Note their equations below.[/size][/b]
Graph A
Center: (2, -3)[br]Radius: 4
Graph B
If h=1, k=5, and r=2, what is the...[br]A. Center:[br]B. Radius:[br]C. Equation:
Graph C
Center: (-5, 4)[br]Radius: [math]\sqrt{3}[/math] (sqrt(3))
Question 6
Do I have to have a graph to be able to answer the above questions about Graphs A, B, and C? Why or why not?
[b][size=150][size=200]Once you have answered all the questions in Part 3, you may move on to the Post-Assessment on GoFormative.[/size][/size][/b]

Information: Part 3