Factor Kids

Tools[br] Input Box[br] Text[br] Button[br] Graphics Formatting[br][br]Introduction: Students use grids of virtual algebra tiles to interpret and solve binomial multiplication problems of the form (x + [i]b[/i])(x + [i]d[/i]), where [i]b[/i] and/or [i]d[/i] is positive. Students build grids whose dimensions correspond to the binomial factors and then find and add the partial products to determine the overall product. [br][br]Part A: Poster presentation[br][br]Lesson Title: Factor Kids[br][br]Grade Level: Grade 8 to 10 (Secondary Education)[br][br]Learning objective(s):[br][list][*]Students will find the products of two binomials using a grid of algebra tiles.[/*][*]Students will use virtual algebra tiles to expand binomial multiplication problems of the form (x + [i]b[/i])(x + [i]d[/i]), where [i]b[/i] and/or [i]d[/i] is positive.[/*][*]Teacher cab design Factors Kids for x^2+bx+c of the form (x+a1)(x+a2)[br][/*][/list][br]Rationale: [br][list][*]Students will relate a multiplication problem represented in numerical form to the same problem represented with algebra tiles.[/*][/list][br]Activities: [br]Using Poster[br]Using GIFs[br]Using Lessons[br]Using Lab[br][br]Part 2: GeoGebra applet is given below
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Information: Factor Kids