The angles

Observe the geometric figure below, move point A as directed, analyze the figure, and answer the questions.
[b]Note[/b]:[u] Recall that the sum of the interior angles of any triangle is equal to 180 °.[br][/u][justify][u][br][/u][b]Move point A until angle δ = 110.[u][br][/u][/b][b][br][/b][/justify][list=1][*]From this, what is your value of [b]X[/b]?[/*][*]What is the supplement for [b]δ[/b]?[/*][*]How much is that extra angle worth?[/*][*]What is the [b]BAC[/b] angle worth?[/*][/list][br][i][size=85]Take screenshot and send with your answers.[/size][/i][br][br][b]Now move Point A until α = 35 and γ = 55.[/b][br][br][list=1][*]What is the complement of the angle [b]β[/b]?[/*][*]How much is that Complementary Angle worth?[/*][*]What is the value of the angle [b]BAC[/b]?[/*][/list][size=85][i][br]Take screenshot and send with your answers.[/i][/size]

Information: The angles