Linear Quadratic Simultaneous Equations

Simultaneous Equations involving a variables of degree 2
First solve these equations algebraically [math]y=-x^2+4x+2[/math] and [math]y=x+2[/math] . [br]After find the solutions for x and y, check show function to show the graphs, then check show intersection to show the (x,y). In others the solution of simultaneous equations is / are the points of intersections of graphs in this case a parabola and a straight line.
Change the value 'm' and 'c' to 0. Observe what are the intersection points. Jot down the values. Do you find anything interseting ? or what these values are called with respect to a function or an equation?
Investigation #2
Let us continue with 'm'= 0 and change 'c'. Thus the straight line will be parallel to ? [br]quadratic equation continue to be [img][/img][br]move 'c' to -1, -2 , - 3. jot down straight line equation and the corresponding points of intersection. [br]you can further go up i.e. by moving 'c' to positive values. Again jot down the points of intersection.
Investigation # 3
Continue with 'm' = 0 and play around with 'c' only. For what values of 'c' such the x-values are always positive? What happens when c = 6?
Investigation # 4
What happens when c= 7 ? How can you generalise?
Exam Question
For what values 'c' of [math]f\left(x\right)=x^2-4x-1[/math] and [math]g\left(x\right)=x+c[/math] such that f(x) and g(x) do not intersect in a real Cartesian plane?

Information: Linear Quadratic Simultaneous Equations