Images. Series of polyhedra obtained by trisection (truncation) different segments of the original polyhedron

[size=85]Let the vertices of the initial polyhedron belong to the same sphere. On its basis, can be constructed a certain series of polyhedra. The vertices of each of them are the points of the trisections of the segments of the original polyhedron that have the same length (calculated with a certain accuracy). Obviously, the number of vertices of the constructed polyhedron is twice the number of trisected segments and they all lie on the same sphere. Let [b]g[/b] be the ordinal number of the various segments of the initial polyhedron.[br]Geometric Constructions are in [url=]Applet[/url]. [/size]
Series of polyhedra obtained by trisection (truncation) different segments of the original polyhedron- Tetrahedron
Series of polyhedra obtained by trisection (truncation) different segments of the original polyhedron- Octahedron
Series of polyhedra obtained by trisection (truncation) different segments of the original polyhedron- Cube
Series of polyhedra obtained by trisection (truncation) different segments of the original polyhedron- Icosahedron
Series of polyhedra obtained by trisection (truncation) different segments of the original polyhedron- Dodecahedron
Series of polyhedra obtained by trisection (truncation) different segments of the original polyhedron- Biscribed Pentakis Dodecahedron
[size=85]* From [url=]Applet[/url]: Serie of polyhedra obtained by trisection (truncation) segments of the Biscribed Pentakis Dodecahedron [/size]

Information: Images. Series of polyhedra obtained by trisection (truncation) different segments of the original polyhedron