Minimal spanning tree
Drag in the applet one or more points of the graph and look how the [url=]Minimal Spanning Tree[/url] changes with it.
The Minimal Spanning Tree forms a network in which all nodes (a.k.a. vertices) are connected in such a way that the total weight (here the length of the segments) is minimal.
Kruskal's algorithm
Kruskal's algorithm step-by-step
[br][list][*]Start with the edge that has the lowest weight.[/*][*]Select the edge with the lowest weight that's still left and add it to the tree.[br][u]Note[/u]: if the addition of the edge with the lowest weight creates a cycle, drop it and take the next lowest edge.[br][/*][*]Continue this way until all nodes are connected. [/*][*]The subgraph you arrived at is called the minimal spanning tree.[/*][/list]