Honors Geometry
1. Introduction
- Growing from a point
- Geometric Objects and Definitions
- Applying Vocabulary Terms
- Line Constructions
2. Unit 1
- Messing With Lisa
- Congruent Segments: Quick Exploration
- Animation 18
- Congruent Angles: Definition
- Animation 36
- Midpoint Definition
- Segment Bisectors (Definitions)
- Perpendicular Bisector Definition
- Angle Bisector Definition (I)
- Parallel & Perpendicular Consequence
- Complementary Meaning?
- Supplementary Angles (Quick Exploration)
- Vertical Angles Theorem
- Animation 1
- Vertical Angles Exploration (2)
3. Unit 1a: Parallel & Perpendicular Lines in Coordinate Plane
- Slope: Intuitive Introduction
- Parallel Consequence? (VA)
- Parallel & Perpendicular Consequence
- Slope Triangle Rotation (VA)
- Perpendicular Lines Investigation (VB)
4. Unit 2
- Proving Segments Congruent (Exercise)
- Proving Angles Congruent (1)
- Proving Angles Congruent (2)
- Proving Angles Congruent
- Proof Prompt (A)
- Proof Prompt (B)
- Proof Prompt (C)
- Proof Prompt (D)
5. Unit 3
- Transversal Intersects Parallel Lines
- Corresponding Angles: Quick Investigation
- Congruent Corresponding Angles to Start? (Quick Investigation)
- Exploring Corresponding Angles (V2)
- Alternate Interior Angles: Quick Investigation
- Alternate Interior Angles Theorem (V1)
- Exploring Alternate Interior Angles (V2)
- Alternate Exterior Angles: Quick Investigation
- Alternate Exterior Angles Theorem (V1)
- Exploring Alternate Exterior Angles (V2)
- Same-Side-Interior Angles: Quick Investigation
- Same Side Interior Angles Theorem
- Same-Side-Exterior Angles: Quick Investigation
- Exploring Same Side Exterior Angles
6. Polygon Interior & Exterior Angle Sum Theorems
- Convex vs. Concave
- Triangle Angle Theorems
- Triangle Angle Theorems (V2)
- Quadrilateral Angle Theorems
- Pentagon Angle Theorems
- Hexagon Angle Theorems
- Heptagon Angle Theorems
- Octagon Angle Theorems
- Triangle Exterior Angle
- Obvious Corollary
- Acute Angles of a Right Triangle
7. Congruent Triangles
- Proving Tri's Congruent (I)
- Proving Tri's Congruent (II)
- SAS - Exercise 1A
- SAS - Exercise 1B
- SAS - Exercise 2
- SAS - Exercise 3
- SAS: Dynamic Proof!
- SSS: Dynamic Proof!
- SSS: Dynamically Illustrated
- ASA Theorem?
- SSA Theorem?
- Isosceles Triangle Theorem: Discovery Lab
- A Special Triangle & Its Properties (I)
- Converse of IST (V1)
- Another Special Triangle and its Properties (II)
- Converse of IST: Template
- Converse of IST (II)
- HL: Hypotenuse-Leg Action!
8. Coordinate Geometry Accessories
- Slope to Angle Measure Calculator (I)
9. Some Locus Theorems
- Interesting Coplanar Locations (1)
- Interesting Coplanar Locations (2)
- Another Special Theorem: Part 1 (V1)
- Another Special Theorem: Part 2 (V1)
- Animation 57
- Animation 58
10. Constructions (Compass & Straightedge)!
- Congruent Segments Construction (I)
- Congruent Angle: Construction
- Angle Bisector: Construction
- Perpendicular Line: Construction 1
- Perpendicular Line: Construction 2
- Perpendicular Bisector: Construction
- Parallel Line: Constructions
- Congruent Triangle: Construction
- Other Constructions: 1
- Other Constructions: 2
- Regular Hexagon Construction Template
- Equilateral Triangle Construction Template
- Square Construction Template
11. Points of Concurrency
- Points of Concurrency: Investigation
- Orthocenter Exploration
- Circumcenter (& Questions)
- Circumcenter & Circumcircle Action!
- Circumcircle: Construction Exercise (VA)
- Incenter Exploration (A)
- Incenter Exploration (B)
- Incenter & Incircle Action!
- Incenter + Incircle Action (V2)!
- Incircle: Construction Exercise (VA)
- Medians and Centroid Dance
- Animation 25
- Medians & Equal Areas!
12. Parallelograms & Other Triangle Theorems
- Parallelogram Construction Template & Discovery Lab
- Parallelogram: Theorem 1
- Parallelogram: Theorem 2
- Parallelogram: Theorem (3)
- What Kind of Quadrilateral is This? (Part 1)
- What Kind of Quadrilateral is This? (Part 2)
- What Kind of Quadrilateral is This? (Part 3)
- What Kind of Quadrilateral is This? (Part 4)
- Special Quadrilateral: Theorem 1
- Special Quadrilateral: Theorem 2
- Special Quadrilateral: Theorem 3
- Special Quadrilateral: Theorem 4
- Effortless Trisections
- Special Line through Triangle V2 (Theorem Discovery)
- Triangle Midsegment Action!
13. Special Quadrilaterals: Investigations
- Rhombus Template with Investigation Questions
- Rectangle Template with Investigation Questions
- Square Template with Investigation Questions
- Trapezoids: Median Investiagtion
- Isosceles Trapezoid Template
- Kite Template with Investigation Questions
14. Special Quadrilaterals: Illustrations without Words
- Rhombus Action!
- Rectangle Action!
- Square Action!
- Trapezoid Median (Midsegment) Action!
- Isosceles Trapezoid Action!
- Kite Action!
15. Special Quadrilaterals: Quick Reference Applets
- Rhombus Template (Scaffolded Discovery)
- Rectangle Template (Scaffolded Investigation)
- Square Template (Scaffolded Investigation)
- Isosceles Trapezoid Template (Scaffolded Discovery)
- Kite Template: Scaffolded Investigation
16. Coordinate Geometry Proof Prompts
- Parallelogram: Coordinate Geometry Setup
- Parallelogram Diagonals
- Isosceles Triangle Medians
- Rectangle Diagonals
- Isosceles Trapezoid Diagonals
- Isosceles Trapezoid Midpoints
- Rhombus Diagonals
- Inscribed Angle Intercepts Semicircle
- 3 Special Points!
- Finsler-Hadwiger Action!!!
- Finsler-Hadwiger Exercise (VA)
- Finsler-Hadwiger Exercise (VB)
- Triangle Inequality: Discovery Lesson
17. Triangle Inequality
- Triangle Inequality: Discovery Lesson
- Triangle Side Possibilities? (V2)
- Triangle Inequality
- Triangle Inequality (II)
- Inequalities in 1 Triangle
18. Dilations: Discovery Activities & Exercises
- Dilating a Point (Intro)
- Dilating a Line: HSG.SRT.A.1.A
- Dilating a Segment: HSG.SRT.A.1.B
- Properties of Dilations
- Properties of Dilations (II)
19. Similarity!
- Proving Triangles Similar (1)
- Proving Triangles Similar (2)
- Proving Triangles Similar (3)
- Proving Triangles Similar (4)
- Angle -Angle: Triangle Investigation
- AA Similarity Theorem
- SAS ~ Theorem
- SSS ~ Theorem (V1)
- SSSS: Similar Quads?
- AAA: Similar Quads?
- Parallel Lines Proportionality Theorem
- Parallel Lines Proportionality Theorem
- Triangle-Angle Bisector Theorem
- Similar Circles?
20. Similarity in RIGHT TRIANGLES
- Similar Right Triangles (V1)
- Acute, Right, Obtuse (III)
- Acute, Right, or Obtuse?
- Special Right Triangle (I)
- Another Special Right Triangle (Guided Discovery)
- Special Right Triangle (II)
- Right Triangle Trigonometry: Intro
- Trigonometric Ratios (Right Triangle Context)
- What "CO" in COsine Means
- How Fast are You Spinning?
21. Circles
- Circle Terminology
- Circle vs. Sphere
- Circle Tangent-Types Illustrator
- Tangents to Circles: Investigation
- Properties of Tangents Drawn to Circles (A)
- Congruent Chords: Quick Investigation
- Congruent Chords (I)
- Diameters & Chords I (VA)
- Diameters & Chords I (VB)
- Congruent Chords Action (A)
- Equidistant Chord Action
- Where to Sit? (I)
- Where to Sit (II)?
- Inscribed Angle Theorem: Take 2!
- Inscribed Angle Theorem (V1)
- Inscribed Angle Theorem: Corollary 1
- Animation 20 (Inscribed Angle Dance!)
- Thales' Theorem (VA)
- Cyclic Quadrilaterals (IAT: Corollary 3)
- Circumcircle: Construction Exercise (VA)
- Where in NYC? (VA)
- Incircle: Construction Exercise (VA)
- Angle Formed by Chord & Tangent (I)
- Angle Formed by Chord & Tangent (II)
- Angle Formed by 2 Chords (I)
- Angle Formed by 2 Chords (II)
- Angles from Secants and Tangents (V1)
- Angle From 2 Secants (V2)
- Crossing Chords: Proof Hint
- Crossing Chords Property & Proof Start (II)
- Crossing Chords Property & Proof Start
- Secants: Proof Hint
Honors Geometry
Tim Brzezinski, Stephanie Kong, Sep 2, 2020

Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Growing from a point
- Geometric Objects and Definitions
- Applying Vocabulary Terms
- Line Constructions
- Unit 1
- Messing With Lisa
- Congruent Segments: Quick Exploration
- Animation 18
- Congruent Angles: Definition
- Animation 36
- Midpoint Definition
- Segment Bisectors (Definitions)
- Perpendicular Bisector Definition
- Angle Bisector Definition (I)
- Parallel & Perpendicular Consequence
- Complementary Meaning?
- Supplementary Angles (Quick Exploration)
- Vertical Angles Theorem
- Animation 1
- Vertical Angles Exploration (2)
- Unit 1a: Parallel & Perpendicular Lines in Coordinate Plane
- Slope: Intuitive Introduction
- Parallel Consequence? (VA)
- Parallel & Perpendicular Consequence
- Slope Triangle Rotation (VA)
- Perpendicular Lines Investigation (VB)
- Unit 2
- Proving Segments Congruent (Exercise)
- Proving Angles Congruent (1)
- Proving Angles Congruent (2)
- Proving Angles Congruent
- Proof Prompt (A)
- Proof Prompt (B)
- Proof Prompt (C)
- Proof Prompt (D)
- Unit 3
- Transversal Intersects Parallel Lines
- Corresponding Angles: Quick Investigation
- Congruent Corresponding Angles to Start? (Quick Investigation)
- Exploring Corresponding Angles (V2)
- Alternate Interior Angles: Quick Investigation
- Alternate Interior Angles Theorem (V1)
- Exploring Alternate Interior Angles (V2)
- Alternate Exterior Angles: Quick Investigation
- Alternate Exterior Angles Theorem (V1)
- Exploring Alternate Exterior Angles (V2)
- Same-Side-Interior Angles: Quick Investigation
- Same Side Interior Angles Theorem
- Same-Side-Exterior Angles: Quick Investigation
- Exploring Same Side Exterior Angles
- Polygon Interior & Exterior Angle Sum Theorems
- Convex vs. Concave
- Triangle Angle Theorems
- Triangle Angle Theorems (V2)
- Quadrilateral Angle Theorems
- Pentagon Angle Theorems
- Hexagon Angle Theorems
- Heptagon Angle Theorems
- Octagon Angle Theorems
- Triangle Exterior Angle
- Obvious Corollary
- Acute Angles of a Right Triangle
- Congruent Triangles
- Proving Tri's Congruent (I)
- Proving Tri's Congruent (II)
- SAS - Exercise 1A
- SAS - Exercise 1B
- SAS - Exercise 2
- SAS - Exercise 3
- SAS: Dynamic Proof!
- SSS: Dynamic Proof!
- SSS: Dynamically Illustrated
- ASA Theorem?
- SSA Theorem?
- Isosceles Triangle Theorem: Discovery Lab
- A Special Triangle & Its Properties (I)
- Converse of IST (V1)
- Another Special Triangle and its Properties (II)
- Converse of IST: Template
- Converse of IST (II)
- HL: Hypotenuse-Leg Action!
- Coordinate Geometry Accessories
- Slope to Angle Measure Calculator (I)
- Some Locus Theorems
- Interesting Coplanar Locations (1)
- Interesting Coplanar Locations (2)
- Another Special Theorem: Part 1 (V1)
- Another Special Theorem: Part 2 (V1)
- Animation 57
- Animation 58
- Constructions (Compass & Straightedge)!
- Congruent Segments Construction (I)
- Congruent Angle: Construction
- Angle Bisector: Construction
- Perpendicular Line: Construction 1
- Perpendicular Line: Construction 2
- Perpendicular Bisector: Construction
- Parallel Line: Constructions
- Congruent Triangle: Construction
- Other Constructions: 1
- Other Constructions: 2
- Regular Hexagon Construction Template
- Equilateral Triangle Construction Template
- Square Construction Template
- Points of Concurrency
- Points of Concurrency: Investigation
- Orthocenter Exploration
- Circumcenter (& Questions)
- Circumcenter & Circumcircle Action!
- Circumcircle: Construction Exercise (VA)
- Incenter Exploration (A)
- Incenter Exploration (B)
- Incenter & Incircle Action!
- Incenter + Incircle Action (V2)!
- Incircle: Construction Exercise (VA)
- Medians and Centroid Dance
- Animation 25
- Medians & Equal Areas!
- Parallelograms & Other Triangle Theorems
- Parallelogram Construction Template & Discovery Lab
- Parallelogram: Theorem 1
- Parallelogram: Theorem 2
- Parallelogram: Theorem (3)
- What Kind of Quadrilateral is This? (Part 1)
- What Kind of Quadrilateral is This? (Part 2)
- What Kind of Quadrilateral is This? (Part 3)
- What Kind of Quadrilateral is This? (Part 4)
- Special Quadrilateral: Theorem 1
- Special Quadrilateral: Theorem 2
- Special Quadrilateral: Theorem 3
- Special Quadrilateral: Theorem 4
- Effortless Trisections
- Special Line through Triangle V2 (Theorem Discovery)
- Triangle Midsegment Action!
- Special Quadrilaterals: Investigations
- Rhombus Template with Investigation Questions
- Rectangle Template with Investigation Questions
- Square Template with Investigation Questions
- Trapezoids: Median Investiagtion
- Isosceles Trapezoid Template
- Kite Template with Investigation Questions
- Special Quadrilaterals: Illustrations without Words
- Rhombus Action!
- Rectangle Action!
- Square Action!
- Trapezoid Median (Midsegment) Action!
- Isosceles Trapezoid Action!
- Kite Action!
- Special Quadrilaterals: Quick Reference Applets
- Rhombus Template (Scaffolded Discovery)
- Rectangle Template (Scaffolded Investigation)
- Square Template (Scaffolded Investigation)
- Isosceles Trapezoid Template (Scaffolded Discovery)
- Kite Template: Scaffolded Investigation
- Coordinate Geometry Proof Prompts
- Parallelogram: Coordinate Geometry Setup
- Parallelogram Diagonals
- Isosceles Triangle Medians
- Rectangle Diagonals
- Isosceles Trapezoid Diagonals
- Isosceles Trapezoid Midpoints
- Rhombus Diagonals
- Inscribed Angle Intercepts Semicircle
- 3 Special Points!
- Finsler-Hadwiger Action!!!
- Finsler-Hadwiger Exercise (VA)
- Finsler-Hadwiger Exercise (VB)
- Triangle Inequality: Discovery Lesson
- Triangle Inequality
- Triangle Inequality: Discovery Lesson
- Triangle Side Possibilities? (V2)
- Triangle Inequality
- Triangle Inequality (II)
- Inequalities in 1 Triangle
- Dilations: Discovery Activities & Exercises
- Dilating a Point (Intro)
- Dilating a Line: HSG.SRT.A.1.A
- Dilating a Segment: HSG.SRT.A.1.B
- Properties of Dilations
- Properties of Dilations (II)
- Similarity!
- Proving Triangles Similar (1)
- Proving Triangles Similar (2)
- Proving Triangles Similar (3)
- Proving Triangles Similar (4)
- Angle -Angle: Triangle Investigation
- AA Similarity Theorem
- SAS ~ Theorem
- SSS ~ Theorem (V1)
- SSSS: Similar Quads?
- AAA: Similar Quads?
- Parallel Lines Proportionality Theorem
- Parallel Lines Proportionality Theorem
- Triangle-Angle Bisector Theorem
- Similar Circles?
- Similarity in RIGHT TRIANGLES
- Similar Right Triangles (V1)
- Acute, Right, Obtuse (III)
- Acute, Right, or Obtuse?
- Special Right Triangle (I)
- Another Special Right Triangle (Guided Discovery)
- Special Right Triangle (II)
- Right Triangle Trigonometry: Intro
- Trigonometric Ratios (Right Triangle Context)
- What "CO" in COsine Means
- How Fast are You Spinning?
- Circles
- Circle Terminology
- Circle vs. Sphere
- Circle Tangent-Types Illustrator
- Tangents to Circles: Investigation
- Properties of Tangents Drawn to Circles (A)
- Congruent Chords: Quick Investigation
- Congruent Chords (I)
- Diameters & Chords I (VA)
- Diameters & Chords I (VB)
- Congruent Chords Action (A)
- Equidistant Chord Action
- Where to Sit? (I)
- Where to Sit (II)?
- Inscribed Angle Theorem: Take 2!
- Inscribed Angle Theorem (V1)
- Inscribed Angle Theorem: Corollary 1
- Animation 20 (Inscribed Angle Dance!)
- Thales' Theorem (VA)
- Cyclic Quadrilaterals (IAT: Corollary 3)
- Circumcircle: Construction Exercise (VA)
- Where in NYC? (VA)
- Incircle: Construction Exercise (VA)
- Angle Formed by Chord & Tangent (I)
- Angle Formed by Chord & Tangent (II)
- Angle Formed by 2 Chords (I)
- Angle Formed by 2 Chords (II)
- Angles from Secants and Tangents (V1)
- Angle From 2 Secants (V2)
- Crossing Chords: Proof Hint
- Crossing Chords Property & Proof Start (II)
- Crossing Chords Property & Proof Start
- Secants: Proof Hint
Growing from a point

Unit 1
1. Messing With Lisa
2. Congruent Segments: Quick Exploration
3. Animation 18
4. Congruent Angles: Definition
5. Animation 36
6. Midpoint Definition
7. Segment Bisectors (Definitions)
8. Perpendicular Bisector Definition
9. Angle Bisector Definition (I)
10. Parallel & Perpendicular Consequence
11. Complementary Meaning?
12. Supplementary Angles (Quick Exploration)
13. Vertical Angles Theorem
14. Animation 1
15. Vertical Angles Exploration (2)
Unit 3
1. Transversal Intersects Parallel Lines
2. Corresponding Angles: Quick Investigation
3. Congruent Corresponding Angles to Start? (Quick Investigation)
4. Exploring Corresponding Angles (V2)
5. Alternate Interior Angles: Quick Investigation
6. Alternate Interior Angles Theorem (V1)
7. Exploring Alternate Interior Angles (V2)
8. Alternate Exterior Angles: Quick Investigation
9. Alternate Exterior Angles Theorem (V1)
10. Exploring Alternate Exterior Angles (V2)
11. Same-Side-Interior Angles: Quick Investigation
12. Same Side Interior Angles Theorem
13. Same-Side-Exterior Angles: Quick Investigation
14. Exploring Same Side Exterior Angles
Polygon Interior & Exterior Angle Sum Theorems
1. Convex vs. Concave
2. Triangle Angle Theorems
3. Triangle Angle Theorems (V2)
4. Quadrilateral Angle Theorems
5. Pentagon Angle Theorems
6. Hexagon Angle Theorems
7. Heptagon Angle Theorems
8. Octagon Angle Theorems
9. Triangle Exterior Angle
10. Obvious Corollary
11. Acute Angles of a Right Triangle
Congruent Triangles
1. Proving Tri's Congruent (I)
2. Proving Tri's Congruent (II)
3. SAS - Exercise 1A
4. SAS - Exercise 1B
5. SAS - Exercise 2
6. SAS - Exercise 3
7. SAS: Dynamic Proof!
8. SSS: Dynamic Proof!
9. SSS: Dynamically Illustrated
10. ASA Theorem?
11. SSA Theorem?
12. Isosceles Triangle Theorem: Discovery Lab
13. A Special Triangle & Its Properties (I)
14. Converse of IST (V1)
15. Another Special Triangle and its Properties (II)
16. Converse of IST: Template
17. Converse of IST (II)
18. HL: Hypotenuse-Leg Action!
Constructions (Compass & Straightedge)!
Contains various compass and straightedge geometry construction exercises
1. Congruent Segments Construction (I)
2. Congruent Angle: Construction
3. Angle Bisector: Construction
4. Perpendicular Line: Construction 1
5. Perpendicular Line: Construction 2
6. Perpendicular Bisector: Construction
7. Parallel Line: Constructions
8. Congruent Triangle: Construction
9. Other Constructions: 1
10. Other Constructions: 2
11. Regular Hexagon Construction Template
12. Equilateral Triangle Construction Template
13. Square Construction Template
Points of Concurrency
1. Points of Concurrency: Investigation
2. Orthocenter Exploration
3. Circumcenter (& Questions)
4. Circumcenter & Circumcircle Action!
5. Circumcircle: Construction Exercise (VA)
6. Incenter Exploration (A)
7. Incenter Exploration (B)
8. Incenter & Incircle Action!
9. Incenter + Incircle Action (V2)!
10. Incircle: Construction Exercise (VA)
11. Medians and Centroid Dance
12. Animation 25
13. Medians & Equal Areas!
Parallelograms & Other Triangle Theorems
1. Parallelogram Construction Template & Discovery Lab
2. Parallelogram: Theorem 1
3. Parallelogram: Theorem 2
4. Parallelogram: Theorem (3)
5. What Kind of Quadrilateral is This? (Part 1)
6. What Kind of Quadrilateral is This? (Part 2)
7. What Kind of Quadrilateral is This? (Part 3)
8. What Kind of Quadrilateral is This? (Part 4)
9. Special Quadrilateral: Theorem 1
10. Special Quadrilateral: Theorem 2
11. Special Quadrilateral: Theorem 3
12. Special Quadrilateral: Theorem 4
13. Effortless Trisections
14. Special Line through Triangle V2 (Theorem Discovery)
15. Triangle Midsegment Action!
Special Quadrilaterals: Investigations
1. Rhombus Template with Investigation Questions
2. Rectangle Template with Investigation Questions
3. Square Template with Investigation Questions
4. Trapezoids: Median Investiagtion
5. Isosceles Trapezoid Template
6. Kite Template with Investigation Questions
Coordinate Geometry Proof Prompts
Contains applets that serve as prompts and dynamic informal illustrations of geometric proofs that can be proven using coordinate geometry and/or congruent triangles.
1. Parallelogram: Coordinate Geometry Setup
2. Parallelogram Diagonals
3. Isosceles Triangle Medians
4. Rectangle Diagonals
5. Isosceles Trapezoid Diagonals
6. Isosceles Trapezoid Midpoints
7. Rhombus Diagonals
8. Inscribed Angle Intercepts Semicircle
9. 3 Special Points!
10. Finsler-Hadwiger Action!!!
11. Finsler-Hadwiger Exercise (VA)
12. Finsler-Hadwiger Exercise (VB)
13. Triangle Inequality: Discovery Lesson
Contains similarity applets.
1. Proving Triangles Similar (1)
2. Proving Triangles Similar (2)
3. Proving Triangles Similar (3)
4. Proving Triangles Similar (4)
5. Angle -Angle: Triangle Investigation
6. AA Similarity Theorem
7. SAS ~ Theorem
8. SSS ~ Theorem (V1)
9. SSSS: Similar Quads?
10. AAA: Similar Quads?
11. Parallel Lines Proportionality Theorem
12. Parallel Lines Proportionality Theorem
13. Triangle-Angle Bisector Theorem
14. Similar Circles?
1. Similar Right Triangles (V1)
2. Acute, Right, Obtuse (III)
3. Acute, Right, or Obtuse?
4. Special Right Triangle (I)
5. Another Special Right Triangle (Guided Discovery)
6. Special Right Triangle (II)
7. Right Triangle Trigonometry: Intro
8. Trigonometric Ratios (Right Triangle Context)
9. What "CO" in COsine Means
10. How Fast are You Spinning?
1. Circle Terminology
2. Circle vs. Sphere
3. Circle Tangent-Types Illustrator
4. Tangents to Circles: Investigation
5. Properties of Tangents Drawn to Circles (A)
6. Congruent Chords: Quick Investigation
7. Congruent Chords (I)
8. Diameters & Chords I (VA)
9. Diameters & Chords I (VB)
10. Congruent Chords Action (A)
11. Equidistant Chord Action
12. Where to Sit? (I)
13. Where to Sit (II)?
14. Inscribed Angle Theorem: Take 2!
15. Inscribed Angle Theorem (V1)
16. Inscribed Angle Theorem: Corollary 1
17. Animation 20 (Inscribed Angle Dance!)
18. Thales' Theorem (VA)
19. Cyclic Quadrilaterals (IAT: Corollary 3)
20. Circumcircle: Construction Exercise (VA)
21. Where in NYC? (VA)
22. Incircle: Construction Exercise (VA)
23. Angle Formed by Chord & Tangent (I)
24. Angle Formed by Chord & Tangent (II)
25. Angle Formed by 2 Chords (I)
26. Angle Formed by 2 Chords (II)
27. Angles from Secants and Tangents (V1)
28. Angle From 2 Secants (V2)
29. Crossing Chords: Proof Hint
30. Crossing Chords Property & Proof Start (II)
31. Crossing Chords Property & Proof Start
32. Secants: Proof Hint