Input Process Output Model

Task Description: IPO
[list][*]Watch the information video about IPO and take handwritten notes.[/*][*]Create a new section in your OneNote Class Notebook and name it with the following title: Input Process Output [/*][*]Write a short description and explain the IPO principle. Use your notes as a basis.[/*][*]In the same document, create a table with three columns and several rows. Title one column "input", one "process" and "output" the other .[/*][*]Translate the following terms into correct English expressions and match them in the table (add more rows if you don't have enough space):[br][/*][/list][i]     Tastatur, Festplatte, Kopfhörer, USB-Stick, Maus, Eingabestift, [br]    Lautsprecher, Beamer, Scanner, Drucker, Mikrofon, Kamera, [br]     Touchscreen, Bildschirm, DVD-Laufwerk[/i]
Input Output Process

Information: Input Process Output Model