Midpoint Definition

[size=150][color=#000000]In the app below, [/color][b]point [i]M[/i][/b][color=#000000] is said to be the [/color][b]midpoint[/b][color=#000000] of [math]\overline{AB}[/math]. [/color][/size]
Interact with this app for a minute. Be sure to change the locations of points A and B each time before re-sliding the slider!
[b]Without using the words "half", "halfway", or "middle"[/b][color=#000000], explain what a [/color][b]midpoint[/b][color=#000000] of a [/color]segment[color=#000000] is in your own words. That is, complete the following sentence definition: [br][br][/color][color=#000000]A [/color][b]midpoint[/b][color=#000000] of a [/color]segment[color=#000000] is a...[/color]

Information: Midpoint Definition