1. Fractions intro
- Fractions on a numberline
- Fraction Models
- Fraction bars
- Positioning Fractions on the Number Line
- Estimating Fractions
2. Improper and Mixed Fractions
- Converting Mixed Number Fractions to Improper Fractions
- Improper Fractions Visual
- Area Models for Improper Fractions – 2 Fractions
3. Compare Fractions
- comparing fractions
- Comparing fractions using number lines and circles
- Compare Fractions
4. Equivalent fractions
- TR KAY - Equivalent Fractions
- Equivalent Fractions Number Line
5. Fraction addition/subtraction
- Fraction Addition
- Fraction Addition (Intro)
- Adding Fractions with an Area Model
- Adding Fractions 2
- Adding Fractions
- Addition and subtraction of fractions(分數加減法)
- Illustrating Addition and Subtraction of Proper Fractions
6. Multiply and Divide Fractions
- Multiplying Fractions
- Area Model: Multiplying Fractions
- Fraction Multiplication
- Division of fractions
7. Fraction tasks
- Field of Fractions
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Table of Contents
- Fractions intro
- Fractions on a numberline
- Fraction Models
- Fraction bars
- Positioning Fractions on the Number Line
- Estimating Fractions
- Improper and Mixed Fractions
- Converting Mixed Number Fractions to Improper Fractions
- Improper Fractions Visual
- Area Models for Improper Fractions – 2 Fractions
- Compare Fractions
- comparing fractions
- Comparing fractions using number lines and circles
- Compare Fractions
- Equivalent fractions
- TR KAY - Equivalent Fractions
- Equivalent Fractions Number Line
- Fraction addition/subtraction
- Fraction Addition
- Fraction Addition (Intro)
- Adding Fractions with an Area Model
- Adding Fractions 2
- Adding Fractions
- Addition and subtraction of fractions(分數加減法)
- Illustrating Addition and Subtraction of Proper Fractions
- Multiply and Divide Fractions
- Multiplying Fractions
- Area Model: Multiplying Fractions
- Fraction Multiplication
- Division of fractions
- Fraction tasks
- Field of Fractions
Fractions on a numberline
Use this app to develop an understanding of how and where fractions exist on a number line. Students will begin to learn the relationship between improper fractions and mixed numbers.

Converting Mixed Number Fractions to Improper Fractions
Enter any mixed number fraction to see it converted to an improper fraction using an array approach.

comparing fractions

TR KAY - Equivalent Fractions

Fraction Addition

Acknowledgement: Inspired by John Ulbright's applet "Adding Fractions - Visual" (https://ggbm.at/szwBQ7wa)
Multiplying Fractions
Multiply two proper fractions using an array approach.

Field of Fractions

Contact us at ptierneyfife@edc.org if this resource should be updated, or with questions or suggestions. We appreciate your help maintaining the quality of this resource.
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