Centroid Exploration

1. Create the midpoint of each side of the triangle.[br][br]2. Create a line segment from each vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side of the triangle.[br] This segment is called the median.[br][br]3. You should note that all of these line segments intersect at a single point. Label this point O.[br]This point is called the centroid of the triangle.[br][br]4. Use the distance tool to measure the length of the segments from the centroid to the midpoint and from the centroid to the vertex.
1. What is the ratio of the distances from the midpoint to the centroid and from the centroid to the vertex?
2. What is the ratio of the distance from the midpoint to the centroid and the midpoint to the vertex?
3. What is the ratio of the distance from the centroid to the vertex and the midpoint to the vertex?

Information: Centroid Exploration