[justify]To use GeoGebra with your school's Office 365 account you can simply use the [i]Sign in...[/i] button on geogebra.org website and pick Office365 as a login provider. This will also add GeoGebra to your Office 365 apps, allowing you to add it also to the app launcher.[/justify] You can add it from the Office Store too: [url]http://tiny.cc/ggbo365[/url]
[justify]Our [b]GeoGebraTube [/b]app ([url]http://tiny.cc/ggbword[/url]) lets you insert materials in Word. Once installed, you will find it in the Insert > My Apps menu. The applets appear as images and become interactive when clicked.[/justify][br][justify]You can also spice up your presentations using the [b]GeoGebra for PowerPoint[/b] app ([url]http://tiny.cc/ggbppt[/url]). You can pick an existing construction or start from scratch: all your changes will be saved in the presentation.[/justify]