Building Solids Introduction

In the applet below you will find the functions [math]f(x)=2cos(\frac{\pi}{4}(x-1))+3[/math] and [math]g(x)=2cos(\frac{\pi}{12}(x-1))+3[/math] with the region of interest between the two curves shaded. We will use this region to construct a variety of different solids.
Building Solids Introduction

Cross-Sections Perpendicular to x-Axis: Squares

The applet below shows the solid formed by erecting squares on cross-sections perpendicular to the x-axis.
Cross-Sections Perpendicular to x-Axis: Squares

Solids of Revolution: Around the x-Axis

The applet below shows the solid formed by rotating the region around the x-axis.
