Fractions and Decimals

Quiz: Adding Integers

[b]Students: [/b] [br][br]These problems were intended to be completed WITHOUT the use of a calculator. [br]

Congruent Angle: Construction

In the applet below, use any of the tools contained within the limited toolbar to construct an angle congruent to the given angle. [br][br]When you're done with your construction, be sure to measure both angles to verify that they are indeed congruent.

surface area of a cube / Oberfläche eines Würfels

discover the surface area of a cube!
surface area of a cube / Oberfläche eines Würfels

Mean, Median, Mode, Range

Corresponding Angles

Corresponding angles on parallel lines.
Corresponding Angles

Equivalent Ratios

When equivalent ratios are graphed, they form a straight line through the origin. This applet demonstrates that fact.

Part, Whole and Percentage
