inputfield for the equation of a function

Since now you're familiar with empty Input Boxes for numbers and coordinates, using it for functions is just an easy step. You only have to respect the appropriate syntaxes for functions. In this worksheet we show how to do it.
How to do
[*][b]parameters of first degree function f(x) = a x + b[/b]: [br]- [code]lista = Shuffle({-3, -2, -1, -0.5, 0.5, 1, 2, 3})[br][/code] and [code][/code]a = lista(1) makes it possible to exclude [code]0[/code] and to include [code]-0.5[/code] and [code]0.5[/code].[br]- Define [code]b = RandomBetween(-3, 3).[/code][br][/*][*][b]Solution[/b]: define the function [code]sol(x) =[/code][code] a x + b[br][/code][b]Answer[/b]: define a function ans to use as anwer: [code]ans(x) = pi[/code]. [/*][*][br][/*][*]The rest goes exactly the same as when working with numbers or points. [/*][*][/*]

Information: inputfield for the equation of a function