Form 1 Maths
1. Chapter 0 - Basic Arithmetics
- Estimating Decimals
- Addition and subtraction of fractions(分數加減法)
- Meaning of HCF 最大公因數的意義
- Meaning of LCM 最小公倍數的意義
- HCF & LCM of Two Numbers by Short Division 以短除法求兩個數的HCF和LCM
- HCF & LCM of Three Numbers by Short Division 以短除法求三個數的HCF和LCM
- HCF & LCM of Two Numbers by Prime Factorization 以質因數分解法求兩個數的HCF和LCM
- 異分母分數加法
- Fraction Addition
- Order of Operations
- Fractions on a numberline
- Converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers
- Comparing fractions using number lines and circles
- Adding fractions on a number line
2. Chapter 1 - directed number
- Addition and Subtraction of Directed Numbers (1) 有向數加減(1)
- Quiz on Addition and Subtraction of Directed Numbers (1) 有向數加減測驗(1)
- Addition and Subtraction of Directed Numbers (2) 有向數加減(2)
- Quiz on Addition and Subtraction of Directed Numbers (2) 有向數加減測驗(2)
- 數線:測驗 Quiz on Number Line
- numberline
- Numberline
- Adding integers with a number line
- Arranging fractions from least to greatest
- Multiply Fractions
- Dividing Fractions
- Inequality: Graph Illustrator
- Compare Two numbers
3. Chapter 2 - Introduction to Algebra
- Quiz on Solving One-step Linear Equations (1) | 解「一步」一次方程:測驗(1)
- Algebraic Expression Matching 配對代數式
- Interesting Math of Phi (Part I)
- Interesting Math of Phi (Part 2)
- Quiz on Combining Like Terms 合併同類項:測驗
- Substitution & Evaluating Expressions
- Verbal to Algebraic: Translating
- Matching Verbal Statements to Algebraic Statements (V2)
- Basic Terms in Algebra
- Quiz on Simplifying Monomials 化簡單項式:測驗
- Quiz on the N-th Term of a Sequence 數列的第n項:測驗
- AQR Section 21: Arithmetic or Geometric?
- Arithmetic and Geometric Series
- Quiz on n-th term of a Sequence (DRAFT)
4. Chapter 3 - Simple Equations
- Balance Beam Equations
- ax+b=c
- (x+a)/b=c
- a(x+b)=c
- ax+b=cx+d
- Linear Equation Generator
- Solve Simple Equation
- Linear Inequality Generator (1B)
- f1 simple equation solver
5. Chapter 4 - Introduction to Geometry
- Addition of Angles 角的相加
- Measurement & Classification of Angles 角的量度和分類
- Classification of Triangles 三角形的分類
- Pick's Formula
- Geometry: Angles Sum of Triangle (幾何:三角形內角和)
- Geometric Solids 1
- Geometric Solids 2
- Geometric Solids 3
- Which solid can be built from this net?
- Which net matches the displayed solid?
- Build the net of a prism
- Build net of a cube
- Build the net of a pyramid
- Acute, Obtuse or Reflex?
- Geometry : Basic Elements (幾何: 基本元素)
- Geometry : Types of Angles (幾何:角的種類)
6. Chapter 5 - Areas and Volumes
- Area of Rectangles and Squares (1)
- Area of Trapezium Demonstration
- Concept of Volume (體積的概念)
- Area and Volume of a triangular prism(三角柱體的面積和體積)
- Area and Volume of a pentagonal prism(正五角棱柱的面積和體積)
- Concept of Area
- Area of a Triangle
- Area of a Parallelogram
- Area of a Trapezium
- Area of a Kite
- Building Prisms 建造角柱體
7. Chapter 5 ( ii) Congruent and Similar Triangles
- Concept of Similarity 相似的概念
- Quiz on Conditions for Congruence of Triangles 全等三角形的判定條件:測驗
- Quiz on Naming of Congruent & Similar Triangles 全等及相似三角形的命名:測驗
- Congruent and Similarity
- Create Similar Triangles
8. Chapter 6 - Percentages
- Fractions & Percentages 分數和百分數
- Percentage (Part-Whole) 所佔百分數
- Percentage Change 百分改變
- Quiz on Percentage Profit & Loss 盈虧百分率測驗
- Interest(利息)
- Percentage(百分法)
- Percentage Change(百分變化)
- F1 Math Ch6 Discount,selling price and marked price
- F1 Percentage increase and decrease
9. Chapter 7 - Symmetry and Transformation
- Reflectional Symmetry 反射對稱
- Rotational Symmetry 旋轉對稱
- Rotational and reflectional symmetry of a regular polygon
- Enlargement and Reduction(放大及縮小)
- Rotational and Reflection Symmetry
- 正n凸多邊形旋轉對稱/反射對稱
- Rotation(旋轉)
- rotations, reflections, translations and enlargements
- Copy of Rotations on a Coordinate Plane
10. Chapter 8 - introduction to Coordinate
- Introduction to Rectangular Coordinates 直角坐標簡介
- Quiz on Rectangular Coordinates (1) 直角坐標測驗1
- Quiz on Rectangular Coordinates (2) 直角坐標測驗2
- Length of Horizontal or Vertical Line Segments 水平或鉛垂線段的長度
- Quiz on Points Lying on Vertical or Horizontal Line Segments 水平或鉛垂線段上的點
- Introduction to Polar Coordinates 極坐標簡介
- Quiz on Polar Coordinates (1) 極坐標測驗1
- Quiz on Polar Coordinates (2) 極坐標測驗2
- Translation 平移變換
- Reflection 反射變換
- Rotation 旋轉變換
- Quiz on Transformations in Cartesian Plane 直角坐標變換:測驗
- Areas (面積)
- Rotation(旋轉)
- Read and Submit Coordinates Quadrant I
- F1 Chapter 8 Rotation in Coordination Plane
- F1 Ch8 How to find distance between two points
- F1 Math - Reflection in Coordinate Plane
- Rotation in the Coordinate Plane
- F1 Ch8 Translation
11. Chapter 9 - Polynomials
- Terms about Polynomials 多項式的用語
- Indices1
- Indices 2
- Indices 3
- Indices 4
- Indices 5
- Value of Polynomial(多項式的值)
- Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials 1(多項式的加減法 1)
- Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials 2 (多項式的加減法2)
- Distributive Law 1 (分配率 1)
- Multiplication of Polynomials(多項式的乘法)
- Multiplication of Polynomials 1(多項式的乘法 1)
- Distributive Law 2 (分配率 2)
- Multiplication of polynomials 2 (多項式的乘法 2)
- Quiz: Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
- Simplifying Linear Expressions
- Expansion Using Multiplication Frame, Algebra.
- Multiplication Frame, Algebraic Factorisation.
- Rules of Exponents
- Integer Base/Exponents
- Quadratics - expand brackets
- Quiz on Multiplication of Polynomials 多項式的乘法:測驗
- quiz exponent rule level-3
12. Chapter 10 - Angles in Rectilinear Figures
- Angles associated with Parallel Lines 平行線上的角
- Quiz on Angles associated with Parallel Lines 平行線上的角:測驗
- Angles related to Intersecting Lines(與相交線有關的角)
- Properties of Angles Related to Parallel Lines
13. Chapter 11 - Estimation and Approximation
14. Chapter 12 - Statistical Graphs
- Stem and Leaf(幹葉圖)
- Scatter diagram(散點圖)
15. Chapter X - Interesting Math
- polygon ring
- Rotating and Dilating Squares
- Curve Stitching
- Kurschak's General Tile
Form 1 Maths
Ngan Hok Hei, Sep 17, 2017

It is a collection of some useful applets found in the geogebra community. The majority of the applets are adopted from the geogebra institute of Hong Kong. www.geogebra.hk
Table of Contents
- Chapter 0 - Basic Arithmetics
- Estimating Decimals
- Addition and subtraction of fractions(分數加減法)
- Meaning of HCF 最大公因數的意義
- Meaning of LCM 最小公倍數的意義
- HCF & LCM of Two Numbers by Short Division 以短除法求兩個數的HCF和LCM
- HCF & LCM of Three Numbers by Short Division 以短除法求三個數的HCF和LCM
- HCF & LCM of Two Numbers by Prime Factorization 以質因數分解法求兩個數的HCF和LCM
- 異分母分數加法
- Fraction Addition
- Order of Operations
- Fractions on a numberline
- Converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers
- Comparing fractions using number lines and circles
- Adding fractions on a number line
- Chapter 1 - directed number
- Addition and Subtraction of Directed Numbers (1) 有向數加減(1)
- Quiz on Addition and Subtraction of Directed Numbers (1) 有向數加減測驗(1)
- Addition and Subtraction of Directed Numbers (2) 有向數加減(2)
- Quiz on Addition and Subtraction of Directed Numbers (2) 有向數加減測驗(2)
- 數線:測驗 Quiz on Number Line
- numberline
- Numberline
- Adding integers with a number line
- Arranging fractions from least to greatest
- Multiply Fractions
- Dividing Fractions
- Inequality: Graph Illustrator
- Compare Two numbers
- Chapter 2 - Introduction to Algebra
- Quiz on Solving One-step Linear Equations (1) | 解「一步」一次方程:測驗(1)
- Algebraic Expression Matching 配對代數式
- Interesting Math of Phi (Part I)
- Interesting Math of Phi (Part 2)
- Quiz on Combining Like Terms 合併同類項:測驗
- Substitution & Evaluating Expressions
- Verbal to Algebraic: Translating
- Matching Verbal Statements to Algebraic Statements (V2)
- Basic Terms in Algebra
- Quiz on Simplifying Monomials 化簡單項式:測驗
- Quiz on the N-th Term of a Sequence 數列的第n項:測驗
- AQR Section 21: Arithmetic or Geometric?
- Arithmetic and Geometric Series
- Quiz on n-th term of a Sequence (DRAFT)
- Chapter 3 - Simple Equations
- Balance Beam Equations
- ax+b=c
- (x+a)/b=c
- a(x+b)=c
- ax+b=cx+d
- Linear Equation Generator
- Solve Simple Equation
- Linear Inequality Generator (1B)
- f1 simple equation solver
- Chapter 4 - Introduction to Geometry
- Addition of Angles 角的相加
- Measurement & Classification of Angles 角的量度和分類
- Classification of Triangles 三角形的分類
- Pick's Formula
- Geometry: Angles Sum of Triangle (幾何:三角形內角和)
- Geometric Solids 1
- Geometric Solids 2
- Geometric Solids 3
- Which solid can be built from this net?
- Which net matches the displayed solid?
- Build the net of a prism
- Build net of a cube
- Build the net of a pyramid
- Acute, Obtuse or Reflex?
- Geometry : Basic Elements (幾何: 基本元素)
- Geometry : Types of Angles (幾何:角的種類)
- Chapter 5 - Areas and Volumes
- Area of Rectangles and Squares (1)
- Area of Trapezium Demonstration
- Concept of Volume (體積的概念)
- Area and Volume of a triangular prism(三角柱體的面積和體積)
- Area and Volume of a pentagonal prism(正五角棱柱的面積和體積)
- Concept of Area
- Area of a Triangle
- Area of a Parallelogram
- Area of a Trapezium
- Area of a Kite
- Building Prisms 建造角柱體
- Chapter 5 ( ii) Congruent and Similar Triangles
- Concept of Similarity 相似的概念
- Quiz on Conditions for Congruence of Triangles 全等三角形的判定條件:測驗
- Quiz on Naming of Congruent & Similar Triangles 全等及相似三角形的命名:測驗
- Congruent and Similarity
- Create Similar Triangles
- Chapter 6 - Percentages
- Fractions & Percentages 分數和百分數
- Percentage (Part-Whole) 所佔百分數
- Percentage Change 百分改變
- Quiz on Percentage Profit & Loss 盈虧百分率測驗
- Interest(利息)
- Percentage(百分法)
- Percentage Change(百分變化)
- F1 Math Ch6 Discount,selling price and marked price
- F1 Percentage increase and decrease
- Chapter 7 - Symmetry and Transformation
- Reflectional Symmetry 反射對稱
- Rotational Symmetry 旋轉對稱
- Rotational and reflectional symmetry of a regular polygon
- Enlargement and Reduction(放大及縮小)
- Rotational and Reflection Symmetry
- 正n凸多邊形旋轉對稱/反射對稱
- Rotation(旋轉)
- rotations, reflections, translations and enlargements
- Copy of Rotations on a Coordinate Plane
- Chapter 8 - introduction to Coordinate
- Introduction to Rectangular Coordinates 直角坐標簡介
- Quiz on Rectangular Coordinates (1) 直角坐標測驗1
- Quiz on Rectangular Coordinates (2) 直角坐標測驗2
- Length of Horizontal or Vertical Line Segments 水平或鉛垂線段的長度
- Quiz on Points Lying on Vertical or Horizontal Line Segments 水平或鉛垂線段上的點
- Introduction to Polar Coordinates 極坐標簡介
- Quiz on Polar Coordinates (1) 極坐標測驗1
- Quiz on Polar Coordinates (2) 極坐標測驗2
- Translation 平移變換
- Reflection 反射變換
- Rotation 旋轉變換
- Quiz on Transformations in Cartesian Plane 直角坐標變換:測驗
- Areas (面積)
- Rotation(旋轉)
- Read and Submit Coordinates Quadrant I
- F1 Chapter 8 Rotation in Coordination Plane
- F1 Ch8 How to find distance between two points
- F1 Math - Reflection in Coordinate Plane
- Rotation in the Coordinate Plane
- F1 Ch8 Translation
- Chapter 9 - Polynomials
- Terms about Polynomials 多項式的用語
- Indices1
- Indices 2
- Indices 3
- Indices 4
- Indices 5
- Value of Polynomial(多項式的值)
- Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials 1(多項式的加減法 1)
- Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials 2 (多項式的加減法2)
- Distributive Law 1 (分配率 1)
- Multiplication of Polynomials(多項式的乘法)
- Multiplication of Polynomials 1(多項式的乘法 1)
- Distributive Law 2 (分配率 2)
- Multiplication of polynomials 2 (多項式的乘法 2)
- Quiz: Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
- Simplifying Linear Expressions
- Expansion Using Multiplication Frame, Algebra.
- Multiplication Frame, Algebraic Factorisation.
- Rules of Exponents
- Integer Base/Exponents
- Quadratics - expand brackets
- Quiz on Multiplication of Polynomials 多項式的乘法:測驗
- quiz exponent rule level-3
- Chapter 10 - Angles in Rectilinear Figures
- Angles associated with Parallel Lines 平行線上的角
- Quiz on Angles associated with Parallel Lines 平行線上的角:測驗
- Angles related to Intersecting Lines(與相交線有關的角)
- Properties of Angles Related to Parallel Lines
- Chapter 11 - Estimation and Approximation
- Chapter 12 - Statistical Graphs
- Stem and Leaf(幹葉圖)
- Scatter diagram(散點圖)
- Chapter X - Interesting Math
- polygon ring
- Rotating and Dilating Squares
- Curve Stitching
- Kurschak's General Tile
Chapter 0 - Basic Arithmetics
1. Estimating Decimals
2. Addition and subtraction of fractions(分數加減法)
3. Meaning of HCF 最大公因數的意義
4. Meaning of LCM 最小公倍數的意義
5. HCF & LCM of Two Numbers by Short Division 以短除法求兩個數的HCF和LCM
6. HCF & LCM of Three Numbers by Short Division 以短除法求三個數的HCF和LCM
7. HCF & LCM of Two Numbers by Prime Factorization 以質因數分解法求兩個數的HCF和LCM
8. 異分母分數加法
9. Fraction Addition
10. Order of Operations
11. Fractions on a numberline
12. Converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers
13. Comparing fractions using number lines and circles
14. Adding fractions on a number line
Estimating Decimals

Chapter 1 - directed number
1. Addition and Subtraction of Directed Numbers (1) 有向數加減(1)
2. Quiz on Addition and Subtraction of Directed Numbers (1) 有向數加減測驗(1)
3. Addition and Subtraction of Directed Numbers (2) 有向數加減(2)
4. Quiz on Addition and Subtraction of Directed Numbers (2) 有向數加減測驗(2)
5. 數線:測驗 Quiz on Number Line
6. numberline
7. Numberline
8. Adding integers with a number line
9. Arranging fractions from least to greatest
10. Multiply Fractions
11. Dividing Fractions
12. Inequality: Graph Illustrator
13. Compare Two numbers
Chapter 2 - Introduction to Algebra
1. Quiz on Solving One-step Linear Equations (1) | 解「一步」一次方程:測驗(1)
2. Algebraic Expression Matching 配對代數式
3. Interesting Math of Phi (Part I)
4. Interesting Math of Phi (Part 2)
5. Quiz on Combining Like Terms 合併同類項:測驗
6. Substitution & Evaluating Expressions
7. Verbal to Algebraic: Translating
8. Matching Verbal Statements to Algebraic Statements (V2)
9. Basic Terms in Algebra
10. Quiz on Simplifying Monomials 化簡單項式:測驗
11. Quiz on the N-th Term of a Sequence 數列的第n項:測驗
12. AQR Section 21: Arithmetic or Geometric?
13. Arithmetic and Geometric Series
14. Quiz on n-th term of a Sequence (DRAFT)
Chapter 4 - Introduction to Geometry
1. Addition of Angles 角的相加
2. Measurement & Classification of Angles 角的量度和分類
3. Classification of Triangles 三角形的分類
4. Pick's Formula
5. Geometry: Angles Sum of Triangle (幾何:三角形內角和)
6. Geometric Solids 1
7. Geometric Solids 2
8. Geometric Solids 3
9. Which solid can be built from this net?
10. Which net matches the displayed solid?
11. Build the net of a prism
12. Build net of a cube
13. Build the net of a pyramid
14. Acute, Obtuse or Reflex?
15. Geometry : Basic Elements (幾何: 基本元素)
16. Geometry : Types of Angles (幾何:角的種類)
Chapter 5 - Areas and Volumes
1. Area of Rectangles and Squares (1)
2. Area of Trapezium Demonstration
3. Concept of Volume (體積的概念)
4. Area and Volume of a triangular prism(三角柱體的面積和體積)
5. Area and Volume of a pentagonal prism(正五角棱柱的面積和體積)
6. Concept of Area
7. Area of a Triangle
8. Area of a Parallelogram
9. Area of a Trapezium
10. Area of a Kite
11. Building Prisms 建造角柱體
Chapter 6 - Percentages
1. Fractions & Percentages 分數和百分數
2. Percentage (Part-Whole) 所佔百分數
3. Percentage Change 百分改變
4. Quiz on Percentage Profit & Loss 盈虧百分率測驗
5. Interest(利息)
6. Percentage(百分法)
7. Percentage Change(百分變化)
8. F1 Math Ch6 Discount,selling price and marked price
9. F1 Percentage increase and decrease
Chapter 7 - Symmetry and Transformation
1. Reflectional Symmetry 反射對稱
2. Rotational Symmetry 旋轉對稱
3. Rotational and reflectional symmetry of a regular polygon
4. Enlargement and Reduction(放大及縮小)
5. Rotational and Reflection Symmetry
6. 正n凸多邊形旋轉對稱/反射對稱
7. Rotation(旋轉)
8. rotations, reflections, translations and enlargements
9. Copy of Rotations on a Coordinate Plane
Chapter 8 - introduction to Coordinate
1. Introduction to Rectangular Coordinates 直角坐標簡介
2. Quiz on Rectangular Coordinates (1) 直角坐標測驗1
3. Quiz on Rectangular Coordinates (2) 直角坐標測驗2
4. Length of Horizontal or Vertical Line Segments 水平或鉛垂線段的長度
5. Quiz on Points Lying on Vertical or Horizontal Line Segments 水平或鉛垂線段上的點
6. Introduction to Polar Coordinates 極坐標簡介
7. Quiz on Polar Coordinates (1) 極坐標測驗1
8. Quiz on Polar Coordinates (2) 極坐標測驗2
9. Translation 平移變換
10. Reflection 反射變換
11. Rotation 旋轉變換
12. Quiz on Transformations in Cartesian Plane 直角坐標變換:測驗
13. Areas (面積)
14. Rotation(旋轉)
15. Read and Submit Coordinates Quadrant I
16. F1 Chapter 8 Rotation in Coordination Plane
17. F1 Ch8 How to find distance between two points
18. F1 Math - Reflection in Coordinate Plane
19. Rotation in the Coordinate Plane
20. F1 Ch8 Translation
Chapter 9 - Polynomials
1. Terms about Polynomials 多項式的用語
2. Indices1
3. Indices 2
4. Indices 3
5. Indices 4
6. Indices 5
7. Value of Polynomial(多項式的值)
8. Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials 1(多項式的加減法 1)
9. Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials 2 (多項式的加減法2)
10. Distributive Law 1 (分配率 1)
11. Multiplication of Polynomials(多項式的乘法)
12. Multiplication of Polynomials 1(多項式的乘法 1)
13. Distributive Law 2 (分配率 2)
14. Multiplication of polynomials 2 (多項式的乘法 2)
15. Quiz: Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
16. Simplifying Linear Expressions
17. Expansion Using Multiplication Frame, Algebra.
18. Multiplication Frame, Algebraic Factorisation.
19. Rules of Exponents
20. Integer Base/Exponents
21. Quadratics - expand brackets
22. Quiz on Multiplication of Polynomials 多項式的乘法:測驗
23. quiz exponent rule level-3