Copy of Counter-clockwise Rotation Exploration

[b]Counter-clockwise Rotation Exploration[/b][br][br]Drag the slider to watch triangle ABC rotate counter-clockwise.
Questions for Counter-clockwise Rotation:[br][br]1) Record the coordinates for triangle ABC. [br][br]2) Rotate triangle ABC 90 degrees counter-clockwise. Record the new coordinates. What happened to the x and y coordinates? What happened to their signs?[br][br]3) With the triangle still rotated 90 degrees, look at the dotted lines. What type of angle do the lines form?[br][br]4) Rotate the triangle ABC 180 degrees counter-clockwise. Record the new coordinates. Compare the coordinates to the original coordinates of triangle ABC. Describe how the coordinates changed.[br][br]5) With the triangle still rotated 180 degrees, look at the dotted line that connects the two triangles. Is there an angle? How many degrees? What is its shape?

Information: Copy of Counter-clockwise Rotation Exploration