Visualize Equivalent Proper Fractions
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Simplifying Fractions
How to use the sliders to help simplify a fraction.
1. Click and drag the blue sliders on the left to the numerator and denominator of the (non-simplified) fraction you are given.[br]2. Find the GCF (greatest common factor of this numerator and denominator. If the GCF is 1, you are done. 3. If the GCF is greater than 1, divide the numerator by the GCF - the result is the "new" numerator. [br]4. Divide the denominator by the GCF - the result is the "new" denominator. [br]5. Click and drag the purple sliders on the right to the new numerator and new denominator.[br]6. Finally, click and drag the handle (the red point) to overlap the two squares to see if they match.
Definition: A fraction is simplified if the numerator and denominator have no common factors.
1. Simplify [math]\frac{9}{15}[/math][br]a) The square on the left illustrates [math]\frac{9}{15}[/math] (9 sections out of 15 are shaded blue).[br]b) Find the GCF of 9 and 15 to simplify [math]\frac{9}{15}[/math]. [br]c) Adjust the purple sliders for the numerator and denominator to create the simplified fraction for [math]\frac{9}{15}[/math].[br]d) Use the handle (red point) to drag the purple square on top of the blue square. If the shaded portions completely overlap, then you have simplified the fraction correctly.
2. Simplify [math]\frac{5}{20}[/math][br]a) Drag the blue sliders to illustrate the fraction [math]\frac{5}{20}[/math]. (5 sections out of 20 should be shaded)[br]b) Find the GCF of 9 and 15 to simplify [math]\frac{5}{20}[/math]. [br]c) Adjust the purple sliders for the numerator and denominator to create the simplified fraction for [math]\frac{5}{20}[/math].[br]d) Use the handle (red point) to drag the purple square on top of the blue square. If the shaded portions completely overlap, then you have simplified the fraction correctly.[br][br][br]3. Simplify [math]\frac{3}{8}[/math][br]a) Move the purple square back to its starting position or click on reset.[br]b) Drag the blue sliders to illustrate the fraction [math]\frac{3}{8}[/math][br]c) Find the GCF of 3 and 8. Can you simplify [math]\frac{3}{8}[/math]?[br]
What is the simplified fraction for [math]\frac{9}{15}[/math]? Use the [math]\pi[/math] button to bring up the math keyboard. Use the division sign to type in your fraction answer. Example: 1 [math]\div[/math] 2 will show [math]\frac{1}{2}[/math].
What is the simplified fraction for [math]\frac{5}{20}[/math]? Use the [math]\pi[/math] button to bring up the math keyboard. Use the division sign to type in your fraction answer. Example: 1 [math]\div[/math] 2 will show as [math]\frac{1}{2}[/math]
Can [math]\frac{3}{8}[/math] be simplified? Explain.
Equivalent Fractions
Move the sliders m and n to control the fraction.[br][br]You can create more slices by changing the slider, d. and then ticking the checkbox. [br][br]The fractions are equal (equivalent), if you write the two fractions in the form [math]\frac14[/math], [math]\frac5{20}[/math] for example. How can you tell they are equivalent?
Equivalent Fractions
Created by Dr GJ Daniels.
Copy of Ordering Fractions
Use this sketch to compare the sizes of fractions. Can you find equivalent fractions so that each fraction has the same denominator? This should make ordering them easy!
Adding Fractions Scored Practice
Edit of Steve Phelps Adding Fractions 2016 (I added SCORE).
Subtracting Proper Fractions
This app explores subtracting proper fractions that may or may not start with common denominators using fraction circles.[br][list=1][*]Create your fractions you want to subtract. You will get a message if your fractions are not proper, if your common denominator is greater than 32, or if your difference would be negative. [/*][*]If you [i]need [/i]common denominators, click "Equivalent Fractions." Drag the slider until you find a common denominator that will create equivalent fractions.[/*][*]Drag the blue point on the right circle to the center of the left circle to see what subtracting will visually remove from the subtrahend.[/*][*]Click "Subtract Fractions" to actually subtract the two fraction circles.[/*][*]Write in your solution to see if you found the correct difference! [/*][/list]
Multiplying Fractions: Array model activity
6.5 a multiplying fractions with arrays
Fraction Between Two Fractions
In this applet, we model fractions as slopes of line segments. [list=1][*]Form two fractions by dragging the blue points. One fraction is the ratio of the lengths of the red segments. The ratio of the lengths of the green segments is the second fraction.[/*][*]Drag the slider to construct segments with slopes equal to the given fractions. [/*][*]Try the construction with other fractions by dragging the blue points.[/*][/list]What is the relationship between the original fractions and the fraction formed by adding their numerators and the denominators? In other words, how the slope of the blue segment relates to the slopes of the red and the green one?