Copia de Gauss-Jordan Elimination

Student will enter three equations with three unknowns. Then determine the appropriate multipliers to eliminate the 'x' coefficients in the second and third equation. Then procede to eliminate the 'y' in the third row. Completing the row echelon form by dividing each row by the it initial coefficient; this finds the 'z' value and equations for where you can substitute 'z' for find 'y' and 'z'.[br][br]Then the users will extend on the third page to eliminate the 'y' and 'z' elements still in row 1, then eliminate the 'z' element in the second row. [br][br]This completes the Reducec Row Echelon Form (3 x 3).
Students can take any 3 x 3 system of equation and find the row echelon form of the system of equations.

Information: Copia de Gauss-Jordan Elimination