7.3.3 ESL Properties of a Square

Answer the question below:
[color=#1155cc]Select all the properties that apply to SQUARES:[br][br]Seleccione todas las propiedades que se aplican a PLAZAS:[br][/color]
Slide the slider slowly in the applet below. Be sure to repeat this process a few times, making sure to change the locations of the pink points each time before re-sliding the slider. Deslice el control deslizante lentamente en el subprograma de abajo.
[color=#999999][b]What is the measure of each gray angle?[br][br]¿Cuál es la medida de cada ángulo gris?[/b][/color]
[color=#ff00ff][b]What is the measure of each pink angle? [br][br]¿Cuál es la medida de cada ángulo rosa?[/b][/color]

Information: 7.3.3 ESL Properties of a Square