Chinese Match Puzzles 1 (8 puzzles)

Drag the matchstick to translate a match, and drag its red head to rotate it about the other end.
Try also [b]Chinese Match Puzzles 2[/b] at .

Math24 (with solution)

Thank you to [url=]Anthony OR 柯志明[/url] for this activity

Chocolate Bar Paradox

Watch the following video, then use the applet to see how the extra piece is obtained.
Thank you to [url=]Anthony OR 柯志明[/url] for this lovely activity

Copy of Lights Out Game - with target patterns

Click a cell, and it will change from 'off' to 'on', and back again. [br][br]Easy! But clicking a cell also changes the cells above, below, to the left, and to the right.[br][br]Can you find out how to create the twelve target patterns?
If you'd like to play with the board without worrying about the target patterns, [url=]you can[/url].

Copy of Tower of Hanoi

Activity for 1.1.

Copy of π Day Puzzle

Acknowledgement: Adapted from the applet "[b][url=]Puzzle del pi greco[/url][/b]" by [url=]leucotea[/url].

Truchet 3x3

Thank you Diego Lieban for this activity!
Click on the center of each square to flip it and on the corners to rotate it.
source: [url=][/url][br]accessed in 03.11.2018.
