[b][color=#980000][b][color=#980000]There is prior knowledge that is necessary for this lesson. Students must be familiar with geometric properties and definitions: angle bisectors, altitude, perpendicular bisector, midsegment, triangle, segment, ray, line, point. [br][br]Posing Questions:[br]Can you identify a ray?[br]Can you identify a triangle?[br]Can you identify a segment?[br]Can you identify a line?[br]Can you identify a point?[br]Are you able to create an altitude? [br]Are you able to create a midsegment?[br]Are you able to create a perpendicular bisector? [br]Are you able to create an angle bisector? [br] [br][br]Teaching Phase:[br]Teacher will provide the students with two examples and explain the ways students must create geometric figures through GeoGebra. The teacher will model the appropriate way to identify the concepts of the orthocenter, centroid, and Euler. Moreover, the students may utilize proofs and properties to discover the solutions and appropriate techniques to create the desired geometric figures. [br][br]Guided Practice:[br]The students will work in groups of four to define and create the following figures: [br][br][list][*]Triangle[/*][*]Point[/*][*]Line[/*][*]Segment[/*][*]Ray[/*][/list][br][br]Independent Practice:[br][br]The interactive GeoGebra Applet will allow students to construct centroid, orthocenter, circumcenter, and Euler line. The students may use paper and pencil then interpret their answers through technology on GeoGebra. [br][br][br]Pre- Assessment:[br]Pre-assessment will help students identify their strengths and weaknesses in geometric topics. Students will participate in group activities. They will work collaboratively on GeoGebra and complete activities. [br][br][br]Post- Assessment:[br]The Post- Assessment will be a graded assignment that the students will complete independently. Furthermore, each student will be required to complete the worksheet in class. The students will be given 25 minutes to complete the assignment and explain their answers. The goal is for the students to show 80% proficiency on the subject matter.[/color][/b][/color][/b]