Copy of Exploring AA Similarity

Explore the similarity of two triangles that have 2 sets of congruent corresponding angles.[br]You can adjust the size of each set of congruent angles with the sliders.[br]You can adjust the lengths of AB and DE by dragging the endpoints. [br]You can move the triangles by sliding the segments AB and DE.
Compare the Similarity Ratios for the sets of corresponding sides.[br]Which can you conclude? [br]A. The two triangles are never congruent because the corresponding sides are not proportional.[br]B. The two triangles are always congruent because the corresponding angles are congruent. [br]C. The triangles are never similar because the corresponding sides are not congruent. [br]D. The triangles are always similar because the corresponding sides are proportional.[br]E. The triangles are never similar because the corresponding sides are not congruent. [br]F. There is not enough information to tell.

Information: Copy of Exploring AA Similarity