CCSS IP Math II 6.3.1 Example 3

Use a compass and a straightedge to construct the lines tangent to circle [math]C[/math] at point [math]D[/math].

[list=1] [*]Draw a ray connecting center [math]C[/math] and the given point [math]D[/math]. [*]Find the midpoint of [math]\overline{CD}[/math] by constructing the perpendicular bisector. [*]Put the sharp point of the compass on midpoint [math]G[/math] and open the compass to point [math]C[/math]. Without changing the compass setting, draw an arc across the circle so it intersects the circle in two places. Label the points of intersection as [math]H[/math] and [math]J[/math]. [*]Use a straightedge to draw a line from point [math]D[/math] to point [math]H[/math] and a second line from point [math]D[/math] to point [math]J[/math]. [/list]