Application Problems: Solving Linear Equations (1)

On a separate sheet of paper, solve each problem this applet generates. [br][br]As you do, be sure to [br][br][color=#0000ff]1) Draw a clear, specific, and effective model![/color][br]2) [color=#980000]Write an equation that portrays the details of the problem.[/color][br]3) [color=#ff00ff]Solve this equation correctly[/color]. [br][br][color=#ff00ff][b]If you type in correct values for the length and width of the rectangle, [br]you'll see a big "[i]CORRECT !!![/i]" sign appear. [/b][/color][br][br]Use this applet as many times as you need in order to master this concept!

Information: Application Problems: Solving Linear Equations (1)