Make an isosceles triangle
Drag the point C to make an isosceles triangle.
In your triangle, which sides are equal?
Do you see any equal angles in your triangle? Which ones?
isosceles hunt 1

[list][*]How many isosceles triangles do you see? [br][/*][*]Which triangles are isosceles? How do you know?[br][/*][*]Which segments are equal?[/*][*]Which angles can you find?[/*][*]If you can move A,B,C,D, can you make more isosceles triangles in this figure?[/*][/list]
If you prefer a more accurate figure or a moving one, try the following.[br](Teacher may move this figure to another page as a separate section of this task.)
Use the following note for your rough work or sharing.
Go to Isosceles Hunt 2:[br]https://www.geogebra.org/m/rwdgb4ez
bisector of a triangle
A line is drawn to pass through the vertex A and cut its opposite side. Drag D to make this line:[br]1. bisect the angle at A;[br]2. bisect the side BC;[br]3. cut BC perpendicularly.[br]Can we make 2 (but not 3) of these conditions true?
doubling and halving a triangle
doubling and halving an isosceles right triangle for exploring powers of 2
Try to zoom in and out when changing the size of the triangles:[br][url=https://youtu.be/SHv3bktJL7I]https://youtu.be/SHv3bktJL7I[/url] [br][br]There is a similar applet based on a rectangle:[br][url=https://ggbm.at/FQ8f4RPm]https://ggbm.at/FQ8f4RPm[/url][br]