Plotting Points Practice

Press the [color=#38761d]"[b]New Example[/b]" [/color]button. After doing so, press [color=#bf9000]"[/color][color=#e69138][b]Plot Point[/b][/color]" to see an animation of the point being plotted[color=#0000ff]. [br][/color][br]Once you are ready to practice on your own, press "[color=#38761d][b]New Example[/b][/color]" and move the point from the origin to the desired location WITHOUT pressing the [color=#bf9000]"[/color][color=#e69138][b]Plot Point[/b][/color]" button. If you have plotted the point correctly, a large box will pop up to tell you that you're correct. If you are not correct, try moving the point to a new location until you have the correct answer!

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