Area Using Unit Squares

[b]Area Using Unit Squares[/b][br]Lab guide below the GeoGebra window.
[b][i]Introduction and Background[/i][/b][br][br]The area of a shape is determined by finding out how many unit squares it takes to cover the shape. [br][br][b]Step 1. Practice with the Unit Square[/b][br]Use the POINTER tool to drag the unit square around the GeoGebra screen to help you estimate the areas of the four figures A, B, C, and D.[br]Record your areas in a Results Table.[br][br]Results Table[br]Figure..........Area in Unit Squares..........Check[br]Figure A [br]Figure B [br]Figure C [br]Figure D[br] [br][b]Step 2. Check your Results[/b][br]Right-Click to turn on the GRID. [br]Use the grid to check your results.[br]If your area was correct, write “ok” in the Check column of the table. If you made an error, write the correct area in the Check column.[br][br][b]Step 3. Solve a Problem[/b][br](Keep the GRID turned on.)[br]Mr. Jones has six carpet tiles, each the size of the unit square we are using. He wants your help in designing possible arrangements of the carpet tiles.[br]Use the SEGMENT BETWEEN TWO POINTS tool to draw diagrams of four different arrangements that all have an area of 6 square units. Construct your solutions on the GeoGebra screen in the space below the four figures. [br]Use the MOVE GRAPHICS VIEW tool if needed.

Information: Area Using Unit Squares