In this activity you will be learning how to use Geogebra tools to copy a line segment
In the space below, use the point tool - the second one in the tool bar - to plot a point anywhere in the space.[br][br]After you create the point, right-click on the point and label it [i]A[br][/i]**If at any point you want to restart, click the refresh button in the top right corner**
Plot 2 points, A and B, using the steps from above.[br][br]Select the Line Tool - the 3rd one in the toolbar - and create a line through A and B by clicking on the points.[br][br]Right-click the line and rename it [i]m[br][br][/i]Plot 2 more points, C and D, and make a line between the two new points. Name this line [i]l[/i][br]Select the Segment Tool (under the line tool) and create a segment between C and D.[br][br]Right-click line [i]l[/i] and select "show object" such that the check mark goes away - this hides the long line!
Create 2 points, A and B and create a line segment through them.[br][br]Using the point tool, construct point [i]E[br][br][/i]Using the line tool, create a line, [i]m[/i], that goes through point E.[br][br]Using the Compass tool, click point A then point B to measure the distance between them. Then click on Point [i]E[/i] to center the Compass tool at that point. [br][br]Create a Point, [i]F[/i], at the intersection of line [i]m[/i] and the circle you just made.[br][br]Hide everything in your sketch (right-click, Show Object) [b]except[/b] for Points [i]A[/i], [i]B[/i], [i]E[/i] and [i]F[/i] and segment [i]AB[/i]. [br][br]Use the Segment tool to construct segment [i]EF[/i]. [br][br]Drag things around in your sketch and observe what happens.
What do you notice when you move things around in your sketch?