5.6 Investigation 1

What Can You Draw with the Double-Edged Straightedge?
Step 1: On a piece of patty paper, use a double-edged straightedge to draw two pairs of parallel lines that intersect with each other.[br][br]Step 2: Assuming that the two edges of your straightedge are parallel, you have drawn a parallelogram. Place a second patty paper over the first and copy one of the sides of the parallelogram.[br][br]Step 3: Compare the lengths of the side on the second patty paper with the lengths of the other three sides of the parallelogram. How do they compare? Share your results with your group. Copy and complete the conjecture [br]The lengths of the other three sides of the parallelogram are similar in the sense that line segment for IJ has the same distance as the other three sides [br][br]Double-Edged Straightedge Conjecture [br]If two parallel lines are intersected by a second pair of parallel lines that are the same distance apart as the first pair, then the parallelogram formed is a rhombus
What Can You Draw with the Double-Edged Straightedge?

Information: 5.6 Investigation 1