
What is the GeoGebra Calculator Suite?
[size=100]The [i]GeoGebra Calculator Suite [/i]is a dynamic mathematics app connecting geometry and algebra. [br][br]You can access the [url=][i]GeoGebra Calculator Suite[/i][/url] online. [br][br]The [i]GeoGebra Calculator Suite[/i] is also available for [url=]Android[/url], [url=]iOS[/url], [url=]Windows[/url] and [url=]MacOS[/url]. If you are using a different device, you may want to open [url=]GeoGebra Web[/url] in your web browser instead.[br][br]In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the [i]GeoGebra [/i][i]Calculator Suite[/i]. We are still working on including all [i]GeoGebra Graphics [/i]tools and functionalities, which you can use in the Online App, in the Mobile Apps as well, to give you access to the full [i]GeoGebra[/i] power. You can try the examples in this tutorial also on your mobile phone, if there are small differences we will let you know.[/size]
Explore GeoGebra Calculator Suite
GeoGebra Calculator Suite Features
[size=100]Millions of people around the world use [i]GeoGebra [/i]to learn math and science.[br]Easily graph functions, show tables, solve equations, derivatives and integrals, do statistics, construct dynamic geometric 2D and 3D objects and more:[br][list][*]Plot functions, equations, curves and surfaces in 2D and 3D[/*][*]Build tables of values[/*][*]Solve equations[/*][*]Find derivatives and integrals[/*][*]Explore transformations with sliders[/*][*]Get special points of functions: roots, min, max, intersections[/*][*]Analyze different types of regressions[/*][*]Create geometric constructions and 3D objects[/*][*]Measure lengths, perimeters and areas[/*][*]Create and analyze traces of points and loci[/*][*]Experience sliders, points, graphs and geometry all working together[/*][*]Investigate construction steps to get a deeper understanding[/*][*]Calculate probability distributions and conduct statistical tests[/*][*]Switch between Graphing, Geometry, CAS, 3D Calculator and Probability[/*][*]Search for free learning activities directly from our app[/*][*]Save and share your results with friends and teachers[/*][/list][/size]
Touchscreen Features
[list][*][b]Drag an object[/b] with your finger to change its position in the [i]Graphics View[/i].[/*][*][b]Zoom in and out[/b] of the [i]Graphics View[/i] by moving two fingers towards or away from each other.[/*][*][b]Move the entire [/b][i][b]Graphics View[/b][/i][b] [/b]by dragging its background with your finger.[/*][*][b]Open the Object Settings [/b]by tapping on any object in the [i]Graphics View.[/i][/*][/list]
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Bilgi: Introduction