Linear Will

Their very first applet - on a function that they already are quite familiar with.[br][br]New math: none (why I chose this to begin with!)[br]New GeoGebra: conditional colours, conditional textboxes


Kim's reflections:
This version is really[br]simple. I [b][u]only put in the sliders[/u][/b],[br]which I already knew how to put in. I feel [b][u]disapointed[/u][/b] in myself that, that is the only thing I got done tonight. I obviosly[br]I have a lot of work to get done over the next couple of days. I could of done[br]more, but I have to make choices in life of what takes priority and something[br]that is due tommorow is more of a priority than something that is due thursday. [b][u]Sorry[/u][/b]. [br][br]For my projectile[br]motion example I'm thinking of doing something with someone doing [b][u]a[/u][/b][b][u]b[/u][/b][b][u]s[/u][/b][b][u]t[/u][/b][b][u]ra[/u][/b][b][u]c[/u][/b][b][u]t[/u][/b][b][u] [/u][/b][b][u]ar[/u][/b][b][u]t.[/u][/b] You must be thinking [b][u]how is abstract art a projectile motion?[/u][/b][b][u] [/u][/b]That was my first question to myself, well... somewhat my first[br]question. I wanted something that had to do with art so I thought of[b][u] [/u][/b][b][u]paint and how fun it would be to ...[/u][/b] (okay a[b][u]light bulb[/u][/b] just went off in my head right now; at this exact moment. [b][u]Reflecting[br]is awesome![/u][/b] I solved my problem[br]that I was going to talk about. Well I will still tell you my original idea, my[br]problem and this moment of [b][u]Eurekaness[/u][/b].) take a[br]paintbrush and be a distance from a canvas and splash paint on it. So not[br]painting with the paint but fling it off the tip of a paintbrush. My [b][u]problem[br]was of how i was going to represent that glob of paint[/u][/b]. A circle could of worked but it's not a glob of paint you know?[br]Now for my moment of [b][u]enlightment[/u][/b].[br]I wrote how fun it would be to... and I was : I always wanted to [b][u]fill[br]balloons up with paint and throw them at a canvas[/u][/b][b][u] [/u][/b]so why can't I do that instead of figuring out how to make a paint[br]blob to my specification. I was so happy.[b][u] [/u][/b][b][u]I now want to throw balloons filled with paint at a canvas. :([br]Hopefully one day I will get to do that. [/u][/b][br][br]P.s Tommorow I should[br]have a lot more in my ggb and I will add colour to my reflection. [br][br][b][u]Reflection 2 [/u][/b][br][br]Today I[br]only got my point p done. :( I wanted to do more, but my mind is about to shut[br]off. It also thrue me off since it looks weird. It doesn't look parabolique. It[br]looks linear. It freaked me out. so I kind of ran way from it; I'm sad to say.[br]I also feel like my v(velocity) and t(time) are doing the exact same thing. Is[br]it supposed to act that way? [br][br]Writting comes a lot easier to me than speaking does. It[br]flows better; but I love to talk as cody likes to remind me of each day:P[br]LOL. [br][br][b][u]Reflection 3 [/u][/b][br][br]My [b][u]3rd[br]ggb fie[/u][/b] is the one that I played around with i[b][u]n class to fix what you told me too[/u][/b] and my [b][u]4th ggb file is a brand new one that looks neat and organized[/u][/b]. I wanted to put in the 3rd one to show how I went from 2 to 4. I[br]can't believe that I had missed my[b][u] [/u][/b][b][u]t[/u][/b][b][u] [/u][/b]in my rule for my y in my point p. I mean I looked [b][u]off[br]my sheet[/u][/b] and the t was there I guesse I just didn't see it. In my 4th ggb[br]you are going to see [b][u]4 blue points[/u][/b] and those will be [b][u]gone[br]by my final ggb.[/u][/b]I put those there to[br]get the numbers of between what coordinates must my [b][u]text[br]box must appear.[/u][/b] I wil do that[b][u]tommorow.[/u][/b][i] [color=#ff0000][b]I'm wondering if theres[br]away to make [u]an images disappear and appear[/u]. I mean if we can do it with a text box we must be able to do it[br]with an image; right? [/b][/color][/i]I'm going to[b][u] [/u][/b][b][u]try[/u][/b][b][u] [/u][/b]this tommorow and see if it works. If it did it[b][u]would look so awesome![/u][/b] I cant wait to add the [b][u]finishing touches[/u][/b][b][u],[/u][/b] but I want to make sure[br]that [b][u]everything works fine before I do[/u][/b]. This is[b][u] [/u][/b][b][u]difficult[br]but really fun[/u][/b]. After awhile it gets[br]easier though [br][br][b][u]Reflection 4[/u][/b] [br][br]I [b][u]already[/u][/b][b][u] [/u][/b]wrote this, but[b][u] [/u][/b][b][u]forgot[br]to press save[/u][/b][b][u] [/u][/b]on the text box[br]before saving the whole thing and it didn't save this reflection. [b]:([/b] My 5th ggb file is just [b][u]a test[/u][/b]. Theres not[br]much to see except that when [b][u]t>3[/u][/b]  a paint splatter[br]appears. I now have to put in the right conditions, add my text and make[br]everything look [b][u]pretty[/u][/b][b][u] [/u][/b]and [b][u]c[/u][/b][b][u]o[/u][/b][b][u]l[/u][/b][b][u]o[/u][/b][b][u]u[/u][/b][b][u]r[/u][/b][b][u]f[/u][/b][b][u]u[/u][/b][b][u]l[/u][/b]. [b]:) [/b][br][br][b][u]Reflection 5 [/u][/b][br][br][b][u]I"M DONE!!!![br]YAY![/u][/b][b]![/b][b] [/b][b]:D [/b][br][br]Ggb file 6 is the file[br]that shows that I got my [b][u]paint splatter[/u][/b] to show up at the right time[color=#ff0000][b][i]. I was [u]so[br]happy[/u]. I put [u](xi[br]+ v*cos(a)*t≥6.3)&&(xi + v*cos(a)*t≤13.97)&&(yi[br]+v*sin(a)*t-4.9t^2≤4.37)&&(yi + v*sin(a)*t-4.9t^2≥0.64)[/u][u] [/u]so it would only show up when my projectile would [u]hit[br]the target (canvas)[/u]. [/i][/b][/color]I also had to [b][u]rewrite[br]this multiple times[/u][/b]because geogebra would [b][u]feeze[/u][/b][b][u] [/u][/b]and [b][u]be all glitchy[/u][/b]. [b]:([/b] Kind of reminds me of how zen's really glitchy since the upgrade[b]:([/b]. The upgrade looks[br]really pretty in zen on the bright side [b]:D.[/b] [br][br]My final ggb. I decided[br]that I was satisfied with this ggb because I got everything to work the way I[br]wanted it to and I was able to use [b][u]paint as my projectile[/u][/b]. [b]:D[/b][b] [/b]Something that [b][u]reflects my personality[/u][/b].[br]I[b][u] [/u][/b][b][u]couldn't[/u][/b] see myself using a[br]soccer ball or something sporty when i[b][u]'m[br]more of the creative type[/u][/b]. It needed to[br]reflect [b][u]who I am[/u][/b]. More right[br]brain then left brained.[b][u] [/u][/b][b][u]I[br]like being more right brained,[/u][/b] but sometimes it [b][u]causes me a lot of trouble[/u][/b] with math and physics. I always tend to miss that [b][u]one[br]logical part[/u][/b], but after awhile it[br]works. [br][br]I have to say I [b][u]somewhat[br]enjoyed[/u][/b] this project. The fact that we added physics to it kind of made me [b][u]back[br]off a little bit because it scared me[/u][/b].[br]Me and physics don't always tend to[b][u] [/u][/b][b][u]see[br]eye to eye[/u][/b]. [b][u]Formula's[br]ughh!.[/u][/b] It wasn't so bad[b][u]after[br]all.[/u][/b] [br]

Unit Circle Adrien

Soren coding

Taj Mahal Pietro & Samuel
