Isosceles Trapezoid - measurement(B)

I fell into a hole with one pair of parallel sides. It was a _____________________.
This investigation is about discovering the relationships sides, angles, and the diagonals of the isosceles trapezoid. Try to discover which lengths are congruent, parallel, perpendicular, or bisected. Discover which angles are congruent, complementary, supplementary, or bisected. Try to generalize your findings by using descriptions like opposite or consecutive with what and how many that applies to. For example a generalization might be: β€œ___________One pair of opposite sides are _____________?.” On the polygon put markings of congruency, right angles, or parallel for the sides or angles.
Isosceles Trapezoid - measurement
Give answers to the questions below(use complete sentences) If you need to move the vertices of the figure and measure any parts you need to.
1. Are any of the sides parallel? If so list the pairs. How do you know the sides are parallel?[br]
2.) Are any of the sides perpendicular? If so list the pairs. How do you know the sides are perpendicular?
3. Are any of the sides congruent? If so list the pairs. How do you know?
4. Are any of the angles congruent? If so list the pairs. See if you can find out what these are called.[br]
5. Are any of the angles supplementary? If so list the pairs. How do you know?
6. Are the diagonals congruent? Always? Move the vertices to find out.
7. Do the diagonals bisect each other? Could they ? Explain.
8. Do the diagonals bisect opposite angles? Could they? Explain
9. Are the diagonals perpendicular? How can you tell if they are or are not perpendicular? Is there any case where they could be perpendicular? Explain.
In summary.
Make a list of the properties of a Isosceles trapeziod
Multiple choice
Base angles of an isosceles trapezoid are
The legs of an Isosceles triangle are?
The diagonals of an Isosceles triangle are?
A Isosceles triangle has at least one pair of parallel sides.
In a isosceles triangle there are two pairs of congruent angles.

Information: Isosceles Trapezoid - measurement(B)