Copy of The Graphics Tools

The Graphics View Toolbar
[size=100]The [i]Graphics Tools[/i] are organized in GeoGebra's [i]Graphics View Toolbar[/i]:[br][br][img][/img][br][br]It contains a variety of [i]Graphics Tools[/i] which are organized in [i]Toolboxes [/i]and can be operated with your pointing device.[/size]
Familiarize yourself with GeoGebra's Graphics Tools
[table][tr][td][size=100]1.[/size][/td][td][size=100][icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_join.png[/icon][/size][/td][td][size=100]Select the [i]Line[/i] tool and click twice in the [i]Graphics View[/i] in order to create two points [i]A[/i] and [i]B[/i] and a line through them.[/size][/td][/tr][tr][td][size=100]2.[/size][/td][td][size=100][icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_move.png[/icon][/size][/td][td][size=100]Select the [i]Move [/i]tool and change the position of the points by dragging them with the pointer. [/size][/td][/tr][tr][td][size=100]3. [/size][/td][td][size=100][icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_slope.png[/icon][/size][/td][td][size=100]Find the [i]Slope [/i]tool within the [i]Toolboxes [/i]and click on the line in order to create its slope triangle.[/size][/td][/tr][tr][td][size=100]4.[/size][/td][td][size=100][icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_circlepointradius.png[/icon][/size][/td][td][size=100]Select the [i]Circle with Center and Radius [/i]tool and read the Tooltip in order to find out how to create a circle with centerpoint [i]A[/i] and radius 4.[/size][/td][/tr][/table][size=100][u][br]Hint[/u]: You might want to [img][/img] reset your construction in order to try out more [i]Graphics Tools[/i].[/size]
Try it yourself...
Selected Graphics Tools you might want to try out as well
[table][tr][td][size=100][icon][/icon][/size][/td][td][size=100]Activate the tool [i]Segment with Given Length[/i][i] [/i]and click in the [i]Graphics View[/i] in order to create a point. In the appearing dialog window, enter the length of the segment (e.g. [code]3[/code]).[/size][/td][/tr][tr][td][size=100][icon][/icon][/size][/td][td][size=100][i][/i]Select tool [i]Point on Object[/i] and click on an object (e.g. a segment) in order to create a point on this object.[/size][/td][/tr][tr][td][size=100][icon][/icon][/size][/td][td][size=100]Activate the [i]Polygon tool[/i] and click either on the [i]Graphics View[/i] or on existing points in order to create the vertices of your polygon. [br][u]Note[/u]: Click on the first point again in order to close the polygon.[/size][/td][/tr][tr][td][size=100][icon][/icon][/size][/td][td][size=100]After selecting the [i]Angle[/i] tool, create three new points or click on existing points in counter-clockwise order in order to measure the angle between them. [br][/size][/td][/tr][tr][td][size=100][icon][/icon][/size][/td][td][size=100]After activating the [i]Show / Hide Object[/i] tool, select all objects you want to hide. Then, switch to any other tool in order to apply your changes.[/size][/td][/tr][/table]

Information: Copy of The Graphics Tools