Creating a Custom Tool: Right Triangle Example

Math Teachers:
Examine the toolbar in the GeoGebra Classic applet window below. [br][b][color=#ff7700]Notice anything that looks unusual? [/color][/b][br][br]Interact with the [color=#ff7700]RIGHT TRIANGLE (custom) TOOL [/color](far right). [br]All you need to do is select this tool & then plot 2 points. [br][br]Having a quick tool like this can be time-saver for students. For example, in a unit where students are studying about right triangles, it is would be convenient to simply have a RIGHT TRIANGLE TOOL (like this) to quickly plot a right triangle. As a result, students can have more time to proceed with an investigation relating to right triangles. [br][br]In the screencast below this applet, we'll learn how to create a custom tool (such as this one) in the GeoGebra Classic app ONLINE.
How to Create a CUSTOM TOOL in GeoGebra

Information: Creating a Custom Tool: Right Triangle Example