AF.7: Investigate functions:[br]- a. Understand the concept of a function.[br][b]- b. Represent, interpret functions graphically[/b], diagrammatically, in words, algebraically (domain, range, notation).[br]- c. Use graphical methods for approximate solutions of equations, inequalities.[br]- d. Connect graph shape with the story of a phenomenon, interpret max/min points.[br][br]To match the graphs with their equation we can use drop-down lists in which we can select the appropriate answer out of the options A, B, C or D and showing a blank answer as its initial position.[br][list][*]Guess from[b] {"", "A", "B", "C", "D"}[/b][/*][*][color=#38761d]Green means correct[/color][/*][*][color=#ff0000]Red means Try again[/color][/*][/list]