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Ditch those worksheets! This book serves as a collection of digitally interactive [b][color=#1551b5]Open Middle exercises[/color][/b]. Be sure to check out Open Middle's site: [url][/url]. This book also contains great resources from Steve Phelps and John Ulbright.
Table of Contents
Arithmetic (K-6)
Building Number Sentences
Add Some, Subtract Some
Sums to 100
Open Middle Sum Problem
Close to 1000
Open Middle: Comparing and Identifying Fractions on a Number Line
Create A Pattern
Operations with Time 1
Order of Operations 4
Multiplying Two-Digit Numbers
Open Middle: Multiplying 2-Digit Numbers (V2)
Close Products
Fraction Size
Multiplying Fraction by a 2-Digit Whole Number
Multiplying Fractions 4
Distributive Property (Open Middle)
Order of Operations 2
Decimal Product Close To 50 v3
Open Middle Percent Modeling Problem
Creating Equal Ratios: Open Middle Theme
Building Number Sentences: Open Middle Theme (1)
Building Number Sentences: Open Middle Theme (6)
Algebra & Functions (5-12)
Open Middle: Horizontal and Vertical Distances (V1)
Open Middle: Horizontal and Vertical Distances (V2)
Distributive Property: Open Middle Theme
Writing Equivalent Expressions: Open Middle Theme
Writing Equivalent Polynomial Expressions (V2)
Writing Equivalent Polynomial Expressions
Open Middle Multi-Step Equations Problem
Make a Linear Function
Open Middle: Slope and Points Exercise
Open Middle Slope Exercise (V1)
Open Middle Slope Exercise (V2)
Open Middle: Linear Function to Cone
Open Middle: Point-Slope Exercise (1)
Open Middle: Point-Slope Exercise (2)
Parallel Lines and Slope: Open Middle
Open Middle: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Open Middle: Equations of Parallel Lines
Perpendicular Lines and Slope: Open Middle
Perpendicular Lines and Slope
Equations of Perpendicular Lines (Open Middle) - V1
Equations of Perpendicular Lines (Open Middle) - V2
Perpendicular Lines Through a Given Point
How Close to Perpendicular Can You Get? Open Middle Challenge
Open Middle: Solving Equations in Two Variables
Open Middle Linear Functions Exercise
Open Middle: Systems of Linear Equations (3)
Open Middle: Systems of Linear Equations (1)
Open Middle: Systems of Linear Equations (4)
Open Middle: Systems of Linear Equations (2)
Open Middle: Systems of Linear Equations (5)
Open Middle: Systems of Linear Equations (6)
Function Notation
Equivalent lines in slope-intercept and standard form
Open Middle: Absolute Value Graphs (1)
Open Middle: Absolute Value Graphs (2)
Open Middle: Absolute Value Graphs (3)
Open Middle: Absolute Value Graphs (4)
Open Middle: Rational Functions Graph (1)
Open Middle: Rational Functions Graph (2)
Geometry (K -12)
Constructing Rectangles: Open Middle Problem
Unit Squares: Multipurpose Template
Open Middle: Perimeter of a Rectangle
Open Middle: Maximizing and Minimizing Area (1)
Multipurpose Composite Figure Templates
Open Middle: Area of a House
Open Middle: Trapezoid Area Problem
Open Middle Trapezoid Area Problem: Choose Your Own Fixed Perimeter
Open Middle: Pythagorean Theorem (1)
Open Middle: Pythagorean Theorem (2)
Creating Rectangular Prisms with Given Surface Area
Open Middle (Revamped): Creating Rectangular Prisms with a Given Surface Area
Maximizing Surface Area: Open Middle Cube Problem (V1)
Maximizing Surface Area: Open Middle Cube Problem (V2)
Open Middle: Linear Function to Cone
Open Middle: Maximizing Rectangular Prism Surface Area
Area of Rectangles
Total Area
Open Middle: Surface Area and Percent
Open Middle: Surface Area and Percent (no feedback version)
Open Middle: Same-Side Interior or Exterior Angles
Open Middle Challenge: Parallel Lines and Related Angles
Similar Shapes
Open Middle Perpendicular Bisector Problem
Equidistant Points 2
Open Middle Problem: Complementary and Supplementary Angles
Open Middle: Supplementary Angles
Open Middle: Triangle Angles
Open Middle: Interior and Exterior Angles of Triangles
Open Middle Triangle Angles Problem
Triangle Inequality: Open Middle Problem (V1)
Triangle Inequality: Open Middle Problem (V2)
Open Middle Triangle Angle Sum Problem
Open Middle Triangle Angle Sum Problem (V2)
Classifying Triangles by Angles
Open Middle: Creating Triangles
Pythagorean Theorem: Building Right Triangles
Creating Distances in the Coordinate Plane: Formative Assessment with Feedback
Open Middle: Triangle Area Problem
Create a Cylinder with Given Lateral Area
Open Middle: Diagonal of a Rectangular Prism
Creating Distances in 3 Space: Quick Formative Assessment
Creating Distances in 3 Space
Equations of Circles (V1): Open Middle Problem
Equations of Circles (V2): Open Middle Problem
Equations of Circles (V3): Open Middle Problem
Equations of Circles (V4): Open Middle Problem
Open Middle: Circle Tangent to Line (1)
Position the Line Tangent to the Circle
Open Middle: Triangle Area Problem (V2)
Coordinate Geometry (7-12)
Open Middle Midpoint Exercise (V1)
Open Middle Midpoint Exercise (V2)
Plotting Points via Distance in the Coordinate Plane
Open Middle: Distance in the Coordinate Plane
Open Middle: Distance in the Coordinate Plane (2)
Open Middle: Distance in the Coordinate Plane (3)
Open Middle: Distance and Midpoint Exercise
Open Middle: Distance, Midpoint, Slope (1)
Open Middle: Distance, Midpoint, Slope (2)
Open Middle: Distance, Midpoint, Slope (3)
Transformations: Possible PreImages?
Open Middle: Building Parallelograms
Open Middle: Building Rectangles
Open Middle: Building Rhombuses
Open Middle: Building Squares
Open Middle: Building Trapezoids
Open Middle: Building Isosceles Trapezoids
Open Middle: Building Kites
Building Parallelograms in the Coordinate Plane (Version 1)
Building Parallelograms in the Coordinate Plane (Version 2)
Creating 3 Lines to Form a Right Triangle
Create a Rectangle with Given Area Whose Vertices Have No Repeated Coordinates
Open Middle: Horizontal and Vertical Distances (V1)
Creation of this Open Middle exercise was inspired by a problem found in the Grade 6 iReady math curriculum published by Curriculum Associates.
Using digits -9 to 9 no more than one time each, fill in the boxes below to make all statements true. Note: Only positive digits can be placed in the last 3 boxes. Points (soon to appear) are draggable.
Can you create another valid setup that is different from the one above? Try to do so!
What is the greatest possible value you can get for the DIFFERENCE BETWEEN the distances AB and CD (bottom right most box)? Try to make this value as large as you possibly can!
Creation of this resource was inspired by an Open Middle problem posted by Dane Ehlert.
Find locations for A and B so that M = (3,4) is the midpoint of the segment with endpoints A and B.
Find other locations for A and B so that M = (3,4) is the midpoint of the segment with endpoints A and B. Make sure your setup is different from the one you created above.
Using digits 0-9, fill in the boxes to create a two-way table below. Design this table so that NO DIGIT REPEATS MORE THAN 3 TIMES.
Using digits 0-9, fill in the boxes to create another two-way table that is entirely different from your setup above. Design this table so that NO DIGIT REPEATS MORE THAN 3 TIMES.
Using digits 0-9, fill in the boxes to create another two-way table that is entirely different from your two tables above. Design this table so that NO DIGIT REPEATS MORE THAN 3 TIMES.
Directions: In JavaScript, using the digits 1 to 9 at most one time each, place a digit in each box to find then total would have the largest number printed to the screen.
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