Select a recipe for a main dish you would like to serve at your restaurant.
How many servings does this recipe make? Determine the amount of each ingredient in one serving, and record it in the third column of the table.
Use the information to calculate the amount of calories from each ingredient in your meal, and record it in the last column of the table.[br]Next, find the total calories in one serving of your meal.
If a person wants to eat 2,000 calories per day, what percentage of their daily calorie intake would one serving of your meal be?[br]
[list][*]cheese crackers, 351 mg, 14% daily value[/*][*]apple chips, 15 mg, <1% daily value[/*][*]granola bar, 82 mg, 3% daily value[/*][/list]Estimate the maximum recommended amount of sodium intake per day (100% daily value). Explain your reasoning.
[list][*]“low calorie”—it must have 120 calories or less per 100 grams of food.[/*][*]“low fat”—it must have 3 grams of fat or less per 100 grams of food.[/*][*]“low sodium”—it must have 140 milligrams of sodium or less per 100 grams of food.[/*][/list]Does the meal you chose in the previous activity meet the requirements to be considered low calorie?
Does the meal you chose in the previous activity meet the requirements to be considered low fat?
Does the meal you chose in the previous activity meet the requirements to be considered low sodium?
Select or invent another recipe you would like to serve at your restaurant that does meet the requirements to be considered either low calorie, low fat, or low sodium. Show that your recipe meets that requirement. Organize your thinking so it can be followed by others.