Example 1.1: Areas of objects

Turquoise quadrilateral is parallelogram, because opposite sides are equal and parallel and also all sides are equal.

Example 2.1: Trace function

[color=#0000ff]When we move the pink dot around the bigger circle an inner circle forms. [br]Two pictures are before and after the trace function.[/color]
Example 2.1 part 1
Example 2.1 part 2

Example 1.1: Mathematical functions

Example 1.1: Integralfunction
Blue function [color=#0000ff]g(x)=1/4x^4-2x^2+5[/color] is the red functions [color=#ff0000]f(x)=x^3−4x[/color] integralfunction. Integralfunctios are form [color=#9900ff]Integral[f]+C[/color] and with the help of trace switch we can easily change the variable C value.
Integralfunctios: Integral[f]+C, where C=[-2,5]

Harjoitustehtävä 4.1

Harjoitus 4.1: Kulman suuruuden arvioiminen

Harjoitustehtävä 5.5A

Harjoitus 5.5A: Taulukkolaskenta

Example 4.1: Method around x-axis

Example 4.1: Function y spins around x-axis

Example 5.1: Different functions

Example 5.1: Different functions
