Manipulating equations

Use the [img][/img] GeoGebra [i]CAS View [/i]to manipulate and solve an equation step by step. Confirm your solution by displaying the equation in the [img][/img] [i]Graphics View[/i] and by using the [img][/img] [i]Solve [/i]tool.
[table][tr][td]1.[/td][td][img][/img][/td][td]Enter the following linear equation into the [i]Input Bar:[/i] [math]\frac{2x-1}{2}=2x-3[/math][br][b]Hint:[/b] You might want to put the numerator (2x-1) into parentheses before you divide by 2 to keep the entire expression in the numerator of the fraction.[/td][/tr][tr][td]2.[/td][td][/td][td]Confirm your input using the [i]Enter[/i] key.[/td][/tr][tr][td]3.[/td][td][code]$1[/code][/td][td]Enter [code]$1[/code] into the [i]Input Bar [/i]to refer to the last output in this new row.[br][b]Hint:[/b] 1 refers here to row 1.[br][b]Note:[/b] You can also directly insert one of the last outputs when clicking it.[/td][/tr][tr][td]4.[/td][td][code]*2[/code][/td][td]Enter [code]*2[/code] next to the [code]$1[/code] and press the Enter key.[br][b]Note:[/b] Your entire equation is multiplied by 2.[/td][/tr][tr][td]5.[/td][td][code]$2+6[/code][/td][td]Enter [code]$2[/code] to insert the last output and add [code]+6[/code] before pressing [i]Enter[/i].[/td][/tr][tr][td]6.[/td][td][code]$3-2x[/code][/td][td]Enter [code]$3[/code] to insert the last output and subtract [code]2x[/code] from the entire equation.[/td][/tr][tr][td]7.[/td][td][code]$4/2[br][/code][/td][td]Enter [code]$4[/code] to insert the last output and divide the equation by [code]2[/code] to get the solution.[/td][/tr][tr][td]8.[/td][td][img][/img][/td][td]Activate the disabled [i]Visibility [/i]button below row number 1 to display the equation in the [img][/img] [i]Graphics View[/i].[/td][/tr][tr][td]9.[/td][td][code]#1[/code][/td][td]Check your solution by entering [code]#1[/code] into the [i]Input Bar[/i]. Do not press the [i]Enter[/i] key this time![br][b]Note:[/b] [code]#1[/code] refers to the output of row 1, your initial equation.[/td][/tr][tr][td]10.[/td][td][icon][/icon][/td][td]Apply the [i]Solve[/i] tool to your last input to immediately solve the equation.[/td][/tr][/table]
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Information: Manipulating equations