Assignment 16(Net of Sphere)

A solid that is bounded by a surface consisting of all points at a given distance from a point constituting its center is known as sphere. Here we are going to visualize the net of sphere.[br][br]
1. To give deep understanding to the students about net of sphere.[br]2. To visualize the construction protocols of net of sphere.
User Guideline
Click on Start and Stop Button then observe carefully.
GGB Applet
Text your outstanding
1.when the slider increase the shape of net of sphere changes in to ................... .
Construction Protocol
Here is protocal of construction[br]1. Open geogebra window and 3D Graphics perspectives.[br]2. Take slider t as min= 0, max= 2 and inc=0.01.[br]3. Take slider R as min=0, max =5 and inc=0.1.[br]4. Insert from input bar: Surface((t (-R) + (1 - t) R sin(-u π / 4)) cos(v), (t (-R) + (1 - t) R sin(-u π / 4)) sin(v), t sin((u / 4 * 2R - R) / 2 π) + (1 - t) (-R cos(u π / 4)), u, 0, 4, v, 0, 2π) then press inter[br]5. Insert Surface((t - 1) (-R) + (2 - t) R cos(-u), (t - 1) (u R - π R) + (2 - t) R sin(-u), sin((v / 4 * 2R - R) / 2 π), u, 0, 2π, v, 0, 4) then press iner.[br]6. Color it and put Start and Stop button.

Information: Assignment 16(Net of Sphere)