Fraction Models
This worksheet is for investigating/comparing fractions through the manipulation of rectangular and circular area models.
Comparing fractions using number lines and circles
Visualize fractions using number lines and circles to better understand how to compare fractions.
Adding Fractions - Visual
Enter any two fractions to see their sum. Any mixed numbers must be entered as improper fractions. The sum will not be simplified.
Subtracting Fractions using an Area Model
Subtracting Fractions using an Area Model
Subtracting fractions using an area model
Use the area model to subtract fractions.[br][br]1. Press the "reset" arrows to get a randomly generated problem.[br]2. Build the fractions[br]3. Overlap the two fractions.[br]4. Observe
Fraction Addition and Subtraction
Click on "New Values" for a new problem set.[br][br]Select to correct Lowest Common Denominator to see the results.
Use a clipping tool to copy and paste problems to a page for printed handouts.
Fraction Pie Example Worksheet
Multiplying fractions with area model
Multiplying fractions using the area model. This applet will demonstrate why the algorithms for multiplying fractions make sense.