2-species competition

This model represents the competitive interactions between two species as a two dimensional autonomous ordinary differential equation (shown in the applet).[br][br]The main ingredientes of this applet are:[br][list][*]The populations of each species: coded as [i]x[/i] and [i]y.[/i][/*][*]The nullclines: marked in [color=#0000ff][b]blue[/b][/color] (for species x) and [color=#ff0000][b]red[/b][/color] (for species y).[i][br][/i][/*][*]The trajectories in the phase space: represented by [b][color=#38761d]green [/color][/b]lines (two different trajectories are represented here).[/*][/list]The following parameters can be interactively manipulated:[list][*]The [b][color=#38761d]green [/color][/b]points are the initial conditions of this trajectories[/*][*]The [i]r [/i]coefficients control the speed of the dynamics[br][/*][*]The competition coefficients are coded in the array [i]K. [/i]They have an straightforward geometrical meaning as the intersection points between nullclines. Thus, the values of [i]K[/i] can be modified dragging and dropping the highlighted points in the nullclines[/*][/list]The applet calculates automatically the slope field and the solutions, and classifies the equilibrium points as well as the overall behaviour of the system.

Information: 2-species competition