
Observe the following parables, move them as indicated, and answer the questions.
[list][*][b]Look at the equation for the purple parabola and the green parabola, and tell what difference you can tell between the two equations.[/b][/*][/list][b][br][/b]1. Where does the purple parable open?[br]2. Where does the green parable open?[br]3. From these differences, what can you say about the equation and its corresponding parabola?[br][br][list][*][b]Look at the orange and green parables and tell what the difference is between them. [/b][/*][*][b]Now tell the differences between your equations.[/b][/*][*][b] Move the orange parabola until its directrix is X = 4[/b][/*][/list][b][br][/b]1. At what point was the focus of the orange parabola located?[br]2. What is the distance from the directrix to the vertex of the parabola?[br]3. What is the distance from the vertex to the focus of the parabola?[br]4. Is it the same distance?[br][br][list][*][b]Move the green parabola until its directrix is Y = 0[/b][/*][/list][b][br][/b]1. At what point was the focus of the green parabola located?[br]2. What is the distance from the directrix to the vertex of the parabola?[br]3. What is the distance from the vertex to the focus of the parabola?[br]4. Is it the same distance?[br][size=50][size=85][i]Shoot capture and send with your answers.[/i][/size][/size][br][b]After moving these two parables, and seeing their focuses and guidelines, what can you conclude?[/b]

Information: Parábolas