Sin Graph Applet

Use the Applet to explore transformations of the sin function. The following questions can be used to guide your exploration:[br]1. Try adjusting only the a slider. What do you notice about how the graph changes? Are there any "special" values or values for which there's a clear, specific difference between when a is above versus below that value?[br]2. Now, try adjusting only the b slider. What do you notice about how the graph changes? Are there any "special" values or values for which there's a clear, specific difference between when b is above versus below that value. [br]3. Now, try playing with both sliders. Is there more than one combination of a and b values that produce the same graph? Try checking the box for the parent graph (y=sin(x)) and see if you can find another way to create that same graph (as in, see if you can find a way to make the graph overlap exactly where a and b aren't both equal to 1).

Information: Sin Graph Applet