You can add onboarding similar to that shown above by following the steps below. Assumption: you have a point P defined somewhere in your applet. Also note that you can pulse objects other than points using a similar technique: you just need to create a tool to generate the specific type of pulsing object that you want.[br][br][b]Steps:[/b][list=1][*]Load the tool [b]circlePixels[/b] which you will find in the applet above. This will allow you to create a circle with a given pixel size, and a given pulsing size in pixels.[/*][br][*]Define the following objects:[/*][list][*][b]onboarding[/b] = false[/*][*][b]pulsingSpeed [/b]= 8[/*][*][b]pulsing [/b]= 1[/*][list][*]Interval setting: [i]Min = 0, Max = 1, Increment = 0.1[/i][/*][*]Animation setting: [i]Speed = pulsingSpeed, Repeat = Increasing[/i][/*][/list][/list][br][*]Add the following code to your reset button: [br][i]SetValue(onboarding, true)[br]StartAnimation(pulsing, true)[/i][/*][br][*]Create a pulsing object using the circlePixels tool:[br][b]pulsingPoint [/b]= circlePixels(P, 7 + pulsing * 7, Corner(1), Corner(3), Corner(5))[br]with parameters being (<your point>,<size of your point + pulsing * size of pulsing> ,...)[br]and the following settings:[/*][list][*][i]Color = same color as P [/i][/*][*][i]Dynamic opacity = 1 - pulsing[/i][/*][*][i]Line thickness = 0[/i][/*][*][i]Line opacity = 0[/i][/*][*][i]Show label = false[/i][/*][*][i]Selection allowed = false[/i][/*][*][i]Condition to show object = onboarding[/i][/*][/list][br][*]Add the following code to the onUpdate script of point P: [br][i]SetValue(onboarding, false)[br]StartAnimation(pulsing, false)[/i][/*][/list]