Translating by Vector <a,b> APS

In the applet below,[br][br]1) Construct a triangle. A (2,1) B (4,1) C(3,4)[br]2) Use the VECTOR TOOL [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_vector.png[/icon] to construct any vector whose terminal points DOES NOT lie on top of its initial point. [br][br]3) Display the label of [b]the triangle's 3 vertices[/b] and [b]vector [/b]you've just constructed. [br] Use the "Name and Value" option when showing the label. [br] [br]4) Use the TRANSLATE BY VECTOR TOOL [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_translatebyvector.png[/icon] to translate the triangle by <-6,-4>
Suppose the coordinates of a point [i]P = [/i]([i]x[/i], [i]y[/i]). What is the image of [i]P[/i] under a translation by vector with components <[i]a[/i], [i]b[/i]>?
[color=#0000ff]When you're done (or if you're unsure of something), feel free to check by watching the quick silent screencast below the applet. [/color]
Quick (Silent) Demo
In the applet below,[br][br]1) Construct a quadrilateral A (-4, 1) B(-1,1) C (-1,5) D (-4, 5)[br]2) Use the VECTOR TOOL [icon][/icon] to construct any vector whose terminal points DOES NOT lie on top of its initial point. [br][br]3) Display the label of [b]the triangle's 3 vertices[/b] and [b]vector [/b]you've just constructed. [br] Use the "Name and Value" option when showing the label. [br] [br]4) Use the TRANSLATE BY VECTOR TOOL [icon][/icon] to translate the triangle by <0,-3>[br]5) Use the TRANSLATE BY VECTOR TOOL [icon][/icon] to translate the triangle by <5,0>[br]6)Use the TRANSLATE BY VECTOR TOOL [icon][/icon] to translate the triangle by <4,-5>[br]
Translating the Quadrilateral ABCD by <0,-3> moved the pre-image
Translating the Quadrilateral ABCD by <5,0> moved the pre-image
Translating the Quadrilateral ABCD by <4,-5> moved the pre-image

Information: Translating by Vector <a,b> APS