세 점에서 거리의 합이 최소인 점(Point at which the sum of the distances from the three points is minimum)

세 점에서 거리의 합이 최소인 점(Point at which the sum of the distances from the three points is minimum) : https://goo.gl/GfziwU YouTube : https://youtu.be/c9T2oTCF5HU GeogebraTube : https://ggbm.at/w999DEk8 ggb problem : http://me2.do/GPaRAEnj AlgeoMath : http://me2.do/5iycvlIR[br][br]기하작도문제 : https://ggbm.at/jFazZw2g 수학자료실 강의실 : https://goo.gl/czyJLW YouTube Channel : https://goo.gl/JpzU5i twitter : https://twitter.com/mineungi [br]

Information: 세 점에서 거리의 합이 최소인 점(Point at which the sum of the distances from the three points is minimum)